No 4 (2008)
- Year: 2008
- Articles: 15
- URL:

Hierarchical equilibrium in multilevel control system
In the article the new concept of hierarchical equilibrium in multilevel control systems for inter-level interaction optimization on the basis of the generalization of Stackelberg's strategy for hierarchical differential games is formulated. The sufficient conditions of control law (strategy) optimality of the level-subsystems of the multi-object multicriteria systems (MMS) are obtained for two-level control system. The approximate iteration procedure of obtaining the hierarchical equilibrium on the basis of the program-corrected control law (strategy) of both MMS-subsystem levels is proposed. The block diagram of the two-level aircraft control and stabilization system is formed, application of obtained procedure in which has the practical value.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2008;(4):18-29

Procedure of classification of patterns in the scheme of confluent analysis with correlation of errors in results of estimation of patterns coordinates
In the paper the problem of construction of dividing line for two classes of the images set by two-dimensional signs is considered and solved. The case when all signs are burdened by random and regular errors that leads to a specific correlation picture of experiment, set in advance by means of a matrix of the correlation moments is thus considered. By means of numerical simulation the accuracy received in work on the basis of modified method of the maximum credibility of estimations of parametres of a dividing line is shown.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2008;(4):35-43

Application of intelligent technologies is promising direction of development of theory and practice of designing and implementing control and information processing systems
Some main tendencies in the development of principals and methodology for designing the high performance and reliability control systems, based on using and implementing intelligent technologies for information processing and control are considered and analyzed.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2008;(4):44-52

Robust control of uncertant nonlinear system
In the article robust control of uncertain nonlinear system in conditions of the incomplete information on its parameters is considered. The necessary conditions of existence of terminal robust control and an asymptotic stability of system of the first approximation are proposed.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2008;(4):53-60

Computing Environment in Intellectual Systems. Design. Problems
This article deals with the problem of Intellectual System's computing environment design. There are main theoretical and technological aspects of Intellectual Systems in this article. It also contains main structure description of computing environment of Intellectual System, based on functional system's theory, and main requirements for computing Environment as a part, and for Intellectual Systems as a whole.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2008;(4):61-67

Application of network operator for identification of control systems
The problem of structural-parametrical identification of a control system is considered. For the solution of the problem the method of genetic programming on the basis of the network operator is used. Results of computing experiment of the solution of an applied problem of identification are given.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2008;(4):78-85

Multicriterial structural-parametric synthesis of automated control system for spaceship descent using network operator method
Problem of automated control for spaceship descent to the Earth is considered. Control as a function of coordinates in space of system condition is received by method of network operator. It delivers minimum to maximal G-force and reaching of the defined termination point.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2008;(4):86-93

Application of PI-controller for electropneumatic actuator control
The given problem consists in nonlinearity of a pneumatic drive, and difficult application of control systems at its work. For the solution of the given problem the linearized model of a pneumatic drive giving possibility of application of linear control system PI is considered. Results of linearized model and basic influencing factors of nonlinearity of a pneumatic drive are given.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2008;(4):94-97

Parallel cryptokernel architecture for server storage security system
The article considers design and implementation of parallel cryptokernel for server storage security systems, which protect data at rest. Most important issues of cryptokernel design, such as crypto algorithm optimization, defining the level of parallelization, choosing the crypto algorithm and crypto block size are analyzed. Questions like cache memory usage and thread creation and synchronization are taken into account. Approaches for determining the number of threads working in parallel are proposed.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2008;(4):98-106

Development of the parallel algorithm for dynamic control system of a manipulation robot
In this article the calculable-intensive algorithms of direct and reverse decision of the task dynamics of manipulation robot were considered. To accelerate the task computation the heuristic multiprocessor system model was proposed. Parallel algorithms and processor structures were integrated in the decision model of direct and reverse dynamics tasks which has the common memory blocks. These processor structures were illustrated. The system was simulated for the direct and reverse dynamics tasks. The estimates of the computation acceleration and the changes in the system cost were obtained.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2008;(4):107-122

The realization of the Priority National Project «Education» at Cybernetics and mechatronics department in Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
Article contains the results of realization of the Priority National Project «Education» at Cybernetics and mechatronics department in Peoples' Friendship University of Russia in the following directions: advance training and placement, creation innovative manuals, design and implementation of the project Laboratory of Infocommunication technologies.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2008;(4):123-126