No 4 (2009)
- Year: 2009
- Articles: 19
- URL:
Сontrol quality improvement of aircraft by multicriteria synthesis of control system using method of network operator
The problem of synthesis of automatic control system is considered. Initial conditions lie in given bounded set and functional includes multiple integral on initial conditions domain. To solve the problem a numerical method based on network operator was developed. Application of the method for optimal control synthesis is shown.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2009;(4):5-12

Synthesis of drone helicopter control system with uncertain constraints on the state by method of network operator
Application of method of network operator for the synthesis of drone helicopter control system. Helicopter should fly over barrier which parameters are unknown at the moment of synthesis. Barrier is presented in the form of system of inequality and for the problem of control synthesis is constraints on the state. We receive control as a function of problem state vector and parameters of constraints on the state.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2009;(4):13-18

Estimation of performance of man-operator in man-machine systems by vibration
A way of estimating the performance of the man-operator in man-machine systems by obtaining data from the informational channel and under influence of vibrations is considered. It is shown that the weight of an error due to vibration is higher than that by informational channel for the level of vibrations.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2009;(4):23-28

Robust control by non-linear system include uncertain parameters
In this paper we focus on research of the task of robust non-linear object's control in situation when information about variation of parameters is not fully complete. Necessary and sufficient conditions of stabilization and d-robust control are received.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2009;(4):29-37

Robust control of nonlinear system
Now a theory basis robust managements make analysis methods robust stability and robust stabilization of linear objects. One set linear system, and stability of the whole family of the systems corresponding to initial (nominal) system in the presence of uncertainty is thus investigated not. Management problems, as a rule, are reduced to stabilization or optimum control problems at not set time of the termination of transient. It allows to use the frequency methods developed in the theory of automatic control [1]. Use of these methods for synthesis of operating influences for non-stationary nonlinear systems is impossible. In work optimum control for robust nonlinear system on the first approach is synthesized. There are living conditions of stabilizing management.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2009;(4):38-43

Usage of biological prototypes for kinematical scheme construction of modern walking robots
Developing of modern robots includes a problem of kinematical scheme (KS) choice. In most cases existing KS are geometrical primitive. Biological evolution resulted in good suitability of the animals to their environment. That promise benefits of usage vertebrate animals KS in robot design. This article shows some ideas and principles how to get such KS.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2009;(4):44-54

Algorithms of hierarchical optimization in two-level multichannel problem of control-regulation
In the article the concept of generalized control of multilevel automated control system (ACS) is formulated. The procedure of optimization of the generalized control on the basis of generalization and algorithmization of hierarchical equilibrium in multilevel systems is developed. Two algorithms of control hierarchical optimization in two-level ACS in the form of solution of the generalized control synthesis problem in linear-quadratic statement and approximate iteration procedure of obtaining the hierarchical control on the basis of the program-corrected control law in common statement are proposed. Two-level mathematical model and statement of the problem of multichannel guidance-stabilization of the pilotless vehicle targeting to aircraft-target with a glance of cross-connections of stabilization channels and kinematics of spatial translational motion of the aircraft are developed. The statement of two-level multichannel problem of termination control-regulation is discussed.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2009;(4):55-67

Calculation of complex mechatronic system with the method of equilibrium-arbitrary balancing
The system of a drive of the radio telescope, consisting of three subsystems - mechanical, high-speed and systems of an item contour of management in the conditions of structural inconsistency and uncertainty is considered multicoherent. In calculation (STACK) is used algorithm of optimisation systems on the basis of the equilibrium-arbitration balancing, based on methods of optimisation of management multiobjective multicriterial systems (ММС) on the basis of is stable-effective game decisions and compromises.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2009;(4):68-72

Development of the technique of splitting of the subtasks linked among themselves for parallel execution of kinematic conversions of the manipulator
In article parallelism sorts in modular algorithms of direct and return tasks of kinematics of the robot-manipulator, possible techniques of their splitting into separate subtasks for the subsequent allocation of these subtasks on in advance known multiprocessor structure of the total memory with the integral characteristic of potential of parallelism of the architecture are considered. The method of an splitting efficiency estimation is offered.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2009;(4):73-85

Infringement idempotentses of the orthogonal projecting operator in problems of recognition of images within the limits of konfluent situations
In the Article, within the limits of a shared problem of construction of a dividing plane for two classes of the images burdened by casual errors of measurements of the signs (the cofluent situation), the result specifying in a relationship of cause and effect between outing of estimations of a method of the least squares (m.n.k. is received.) from a class of the linear and not displaced estimations and outing the orthogonal and projecting operator with which help estimations m.n.k. turn out. From a class of idempotent linear operators.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2009;(4):86-89

To the question on resolvability of the problem of identification of two classes of images in konfluent situations
In Article, within the limits of a two-dimensional problem of identification of two classes of the images set by the convex covers. In the presence of errors of measurements of co-ordinates of images (the confluent situation), is shown unsolvability of a problem of linear identifiability of two classes of images by means of construction of a dividing line of regress.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2009;(4):90-95

To the question of construction of not displaced and well-founded estimation for the parameter forming the dispersion of indications of measuring devices, making the group standard
In the given work the problem of construction of an optimum estimation for the parameter forming a dispersion of indications of the measuring device, entering into a reference complex is considered. It is shown that the received estimation is optimum in sense of the undisplacement and a solvency, and quite well predicts change of accuracy of measurements of the devices making the standard.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2009;(4):96-99

The automated designing nesting of blanks details of any cross-section section from layered composite materials
The program of nesting of blanks of automatic splitting of physically non-uniform compound areas of any outline is offered. She assumes definition of boundary points for investigated area and construction of internal points of area so that numbering of central points considered physical heterogeneity of layers and the maximum difference of numbers was the least. The maintenance of the program of RACES - construction of co-ordinates of layers of current section is described on an example of section of a kind of an aviation profile.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2009;(4):100-110

cological-economic basis applications of separate SDW gathering
Optimisation of SDW gathering process by decreasing expenses, sorting of waste with simultaneous improvement of an environmental state, is one of conditions of effective waste management system. The author offers the universal model allowing to use different variants of initial and limiting parametres of separate SDW gathering in the conditions of the modern market.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2009;(4):111-117

Effective сorporate culture as condition of entreprise survival in recession
The authors offer a corporate culture classification, based on main values, behavior models, motivation, control mechanism and attitude to work. This classification allows estimating corporate culture influence on enterprise work effectiveness in the times of recession.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2009;(4):118-122

Features of strategic management of the small enterprise
The feature of strategic management at the small enterprise consists in the contents of business strategy. From set of possible (probable) business strategy the small enterprises for the essence successfully can adhere only to adaptive strategy. The adaptive strategy should develop on the basis of association of industrial operations in uniform business-processes. Though in modern researches such concepts are widely used, as the reorganization and re-structuring, but, in opinion of the authors, orientation of processes of transformations to structures of the enterprise separate operations and tasks, instead of on business-process is traditional, most widespread mistake.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2009;(4):123-125

Stages of management of the small enterprise
Proceeding from practical experience of management complemented by study of foreign and domestic experience, the authors offer to improve a control system, having allocated three basic stages of management of the small enterprise. The offered model of management will help to formalize process of management of the small enterprise, and, hence to raise(increase) efficiency of activity of the enterprise.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2009;(4):126-129

Our autors
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2009;(4):130-131