Methodological provisions for assessing the digital maturity of economic systems

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Digital transformation is a way of doing business that uses information and digital technologies. Readiness of companies for internal and external changes related to digitalization is called digital maturity. The research is devoted to the dynamics of growth of digital maturity of organizations in the Russian Federation and current methods of its assessment. The concept of assessing the digital maturity of economic systems as a stage in the implementation of digital transformation of the economy is revealed. The main directions of digital transformation in the country are highlighted and characterized. The dynamics of the level of digitalization and innovation implementation in Russian business in 2018-2020 are evaluated. A comparative analysis of methods for assessing digital maturity is carried out. Based on the results of the study, the prospects for further research in the field of digital maturity assessment are identified, and the main directions and obstacles to the digital transformation of the economy are formulated.

About the authors

Valeria E. Deryzemlya

North Caucasus Federal University

Author for correspondence.

2nd year postgraduate student of the Institute of Economics and Management

1 Pushkina St, Stavropol, 355017, Russian Federation

Anna A. Ter-Grigoryants

North Caucasus Federal University


Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Economic Security and Audit of the Institute of Economics and Management

1 Pushkina St, Stavropol, 355017, Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2021 Deryzemlya V.E., Ter-Grigoryants A.A.

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