No 2 (2010)
- Year: 2010
- Articles: 16
- URL:
Anthropogenous information's influence on the red fox (vulpes vulpes l.) behaviour
Red Foxes' ecological and behavioral features are characterized in the wild habitats near Samara city on national park's border. Research was carried out during the winter periods of 1982-2008 by the snow traces' tracking techniques. The presence of the anthropogenous objects activates foxes' behavior. The number of the reference acts, research and imitative reactions are grow. The day time activity is stimulates. The home range's configuration is changes.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2010;(2):5-10

Photosynthetic pigments' condition in vegetative organs of woody plants in urban environment
Human activity influences on all environment components, including vegetation. Quantative content and photosynthetic pigments' rate are changing in vegetative organs of plants growing in technogenical environment. Indicators of basical groups of photosynthetic pigments' rate are proposed to evaluate environmental density.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2010;(2):11-19

Comparative evaluation of the effects of contaminants on dehydrogenase activities of indigenous microflora of gray forest soil and bacteria bacillus pumilus
The effects of metals (Сu, Pb, Ni, Cr, Cd) and fungicide alto-super on dehydrogenase activities of indigenous microflora of grey forest soil and laboratory culture Bacillus pumilus КМ-21 were studied. It was determined that the putting of the metals into soil caused the dose-effect inhibition of dehydrogenase activities of indigenous microflora of soil and dehydrogenase activities Bacillus pumilus КМ-21 estimated in eluate and contact tests. On the base of the established metal concentration causing the 50% inhibition on dehydrogenase activity, it was revealed that the contact test was more sensitive in comparison with eluate test. Cose relation between the alteration in activities of microbial culture (contact test) and indigenous microflora was shown. It allowed to recommend the contact test for estimation of the soil contamination with toxic compounds.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2010;(2):20-26

Influence technogenic emissions on the ecological condition of grey wood soils
The content of heavy metals in soil, plants, water is designated, the variety of living organisms is described, some sensible and relatively resistant to pollution kinds of plants are determined in the following research. The following database concerning the natural reproduction process of the fertility of gray forest floor on the man-caused disturbed territory can be used as the basis of man-made disturbed landscape ecological rehabilitation.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2010;(2):27-34

The analysis of the ecologically-caused indicators of health of the population living in tehnogenno-polluted territories of Bryansk area
The analysis of influence of harmful anthropogenesis factors of environment on indicators of health of persons from areas with different degree of technogenic pollution in adult population is carried out. Biological markers of ecological trouble of environment are revealed.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2010;(2):35-40

Analysis of children's preschool age functional parameters, living in towns of the Moscow region with different ecological situation
The method electric skinpoints computer diagnostics (EPD) are examined two groups, living in towns of the Moscow region with disadvantage and favourable ecological background (g. Lyubercy, Pavlovskiy Posad accordingly). It is considered possibility of the use the integral factors EPD (the average current, the general discord) for estimation adaptation's potential of the children's population of the region. Data children's EPD, being indicator to ecological situation of the region, can be used as objective criterion when realization physician-ecological monitoring. Perspective using EPD by comparing ecological situation in different region (district), so and in estimation her modification for one region.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2010;(2):46-53

Condition activity of platelets at the young people the candidates and foreman of sports on easy athletics
At the candidates and foremen of sports on easy athletics in the age of 18-22 years regularly practising and participating in competitions of a various level, the stably low functional activity of platelet is revealed. The low activity of platelet causes small quantity(amount) in them blood flow of circulating units of the various sizes, that renders positive influence on microcirculation of fabrics in organism of the sportsman testing significant physical loadings.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2010;(2):54-58

Geoinformatical mapping of forest cover in the Zabaikalsky national park using remote sensing data
This paper is devoted to the application of multispectral space high resolution images (made by the cameras of IRS LISS-4 and ASTER (VNIR)) to large-scale mapping and analysis of the current state of forest cover in the protected areas of the Zabaikalsky National Park as a part of the area near Lake Baikal. For the adjustment of earth remote sensing data automatic classification, the field investigations were conducted (geobotanical description of tested polygons).
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2010;(2):59-63

Recycling and solid garbage utilization problems, radio frequency identification (rfid)
Solid garbage utilization is a worry for all the governments for the last years. Croplands are being expropriated for such needs. The most important problems are the environment and habitat degradation hygiene and sanitary situation problems. One of the technical margins of recycling is lack of the sorting, identification and processing systems. The key moment is an industrial technology of the identification and the further sorting of solid garbage. It is known about new generation RFIDs can be read wirelessly up to the 2 meter distance. Using such RFIDs may solve the problem of identification and sorting up to 100% of garbage during it's industrial processing.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2010;(2):64-68

Electrochemical degradation of herbicide 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-d) in acidic water solutions on the platinized platinum anode
Anode oxidation of herbicide 2,4-D on the platinized platinum electrode in acidic water solutions in the galvanostatic mode was investigated. Degree of degradation for 2,4-D was detected by a decrease of the total organic carbon with increasing electrolysis time and on reduction of peak 2,4-D in UV a spectrum. Speed of decomposition 2,4-D in a sour water solution correspond to the equation of the first order with rate constant equal to 6 ⋅ 10-5 s-1.
On the basis of analysis UV, IR and chromatography-mass-spectra made assumptions about possible intermediate products of decomposition.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2010;(2):69-74

Perfection of ecological rationing in the field of water supply and water removal of cpc (cellulose paper complex)
The article represents the state-of-the-art review of the modern standard documents used at designing, building and operation of water supply and water removal systems of industrial enterprises. A number of the problems connected with preparation of new edition of the Water code of the Russian federation, projects of Federal laws - technical regulations «On technical regulation», «About water supply» and «About water removal» is considered. Authors analyze problems of water quality rationing optimization depending on different water functions and the improvement of CPC (Cellulose Paper Complex)-drains biological clearing methods.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2010;(2):75-80

Ecology management education social-ecology monitoring
Social-ecology monitoring is a system of sightings that reflects the social communities' dynamics according to the ecology problematic. The monitoring system of that time realizes some social management functions that define the ways and assets of reaching the goal environmental safety most effectively, to save the social world, to promote the ecology culture and politics generation. Social-ecology monitoring appears to be an important instrument of achieving different educational and management targets in the university; it may be a basis for youth ecology politics definition.
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2010;(2):81-88

About competition: «The best book in the field of ecology»
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2010;(2):89-91

Our autors
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2010;(2):92-94

Pravila oformleniya statey,prednaznachennykh dlya opublikovaniya v nauchnom zhurnale «Vestnik RUDN. Seriya „Ekologiya i bezopasnost'zhiznedeyatel'nosti»
RUDN Journal of Ecology and Life Safety. 2010;(2):95-96