Research of physical and mechanical properties of drilling sludges during its hightemperature neutralization
- Authors: Zimnukhova A.E.1, Gaevaya E.V.1
- Industrial University of Tyumen
- Issue: Vol 32, No 2 (2024)
- Pages: 155-162
- Section: Industrial Ecology
- URL:
- DOI:
- EDN:
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The article is devoted to the problem of effective management of drilling sludge, the development of waste-free and low-waste technologies. High-temperature firing is considered as one of the most promising and universal methods. The aim of the research is to study the physical and mechanical characteristics of drilling sludge depending on the temperature regime of neutralization. The drilling sludge of the Yuzhno-Ostrovnoe, SredneNazymskoe, Sredne-Balykskoe oil fields of KhMAO-Yugra was used as an object of research. Data on the granulometric composition, compressive strength, water absorption, change in strength in the water-saturated state, softening coefficient of drilling sludge samples depending on the firing temperature are presented. The most favorable temperature regime for the neutralization of drilling sludge has been identified. The material obtained as a result of neutralization can be considered for use in the construction of areal and linear facilities as part of the development of deposits.
About the authors
Anastasiia E. Zimnukhova
Industrial University of Tyumen
Author for correspondence.
SPIN-code: 8195-8940
PhD student 38 Volodarskogo St, Tyumen, 625000, Russian Federation
Elena V. Gaevaya
Industrial University of Tyumen
SPIN-code: 7995-7324
PhD in Biology, Professor of Technosphere Safety Department 38 Volodarskogo St, Tyumen, 625000, Russian Federation
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