The state of the problem of irrational use of aquatic biological resources in 2022 on the example of Pollock fishing

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The supervisory authorities insufficiently control the large-scale fishing that currently exists and there are problems in this industry. The study of the current real situation on mining vessels is very important, since the data, that they receive from them is often incorrect and the actual volumes of the seizure of aquatic biological resources are unknown. Describes the state of the problem of irrational use of aquatic biological resources on the example of Pollock fishing. Provides data on fishing operations, by-catch of other species of aquatic organisms and various violations in the fishery. It describes the amount of ejection overboard of Pollock juveniles, adults and everything that does not go into processing on the ship. The current work of the supervisory authorities on the quality of control and accounting of violations is described.

About the authors

Andrei V. Iakimov

Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0753-178X

Postgraduate Student

52-B Lugovaya St, Vladivostok, 690087, Russian Federation


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