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In Montenegro, there are a variety of resources of eco-tourism, environmental education - picturesque landscape unaltered by human activities, a network of national parks, monuments of nature, biological, geological, ecosystem diversity, protected species of plants and animals. In Montenegro, there are five national parks with total area of 107 500 hectares (almost 10% of the total area of the country).Each park has a rich natural, historical and cultural tourist and recreational resources.Identified ecological and geographical features of the National Parks of Montenegro, the possibility of eco-tourism.For example, the National Park “Skadar Lake” is designed eco-educational tour for students.The purpose of the tour: the acquisition of knowledge about the ecological and geographical, cultural and historical features of the Skadar Lake, the formation of research competence of students in the study and evaluation of the ecological condition of natural and man-made systems.Tasks: introduction to the natural attractions of the Skadar lake (flora, fauna, natural ecosystems); understanding the cultural and historical monuments of Skadar Lake; identify human activities that24Алейникова А.М., Гайворон Т.Д., Еремина М.А., Мараш А. Особенности и перспективы...alter natural systems; promote education of ecological culture of students as part of a general culture of human relations with each other and with nature.For the optimal development of eco-tourism is necessary to develop a network of national parks, organization of museums of nature, nature trails.

About the authors

A M Aleynikova

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia

T D Gaivoron

Moscow City Pedagogical University

M A Eremin

Moscow City Pedagogical University

A Marash

National Park Skadar Lake


Copyright (c) 2016 Aleynikova A.M., Gaivoron T.D., Eremin M.A., Marash A.

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