The article deals with the formation process of modern historiography ofliberal populism in the 1870-1890s and analyzes historian V.I. Kharlamov’scontributionto the study of kulturnichestvo of populist reformers.The author considers the main provisions of the concept of "liberal" populism proposed by Kharlamov, traces its evolution in the context of domestic populism studies in the 1980s - the first half of the 1990s, establishes the influence of his work on the authors of the first monographs in the mid-1990s devoted to the history of the right-wing populism. Particular attention is paid to the development of Kharlamov’s first evidence-based periodization of the history of liberal populism, the conceptual apparatus ("liberal" and "legal" populism, "kulturnichestvo of populism")proposed by him, as well as his analysis of the views of the leading theorists of the right populism headed by I.I. Kablits-Yuzov. The author concludes that Kharlamov’sattempts to study the process of the birth and evolution of the liberal trend of populism, based on the peculiarities of its ideologists’ worldview, had a considerable influence on the formation of the modern approach to the study of the history of the right-wing populism.