Defence tactic in volleyball: the analysis of the results of the pedagogic supervising. The competitive activity of the volleyball players

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The article analyses the technical and tactical actions that are used by volleyball players of high qualification during the competition. Taking into account this information in the studying and training process contributes to the increase of its effectiveness.

About the authors

A A Lobanov

Samara State University of Architecture

Кафедра физического воспитания; Самарский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет; Samara State University of Architecture

I A Demidkina

Samara State University of Architecture

Кафедра физического воспитания; Самарский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет; Samara State University of Architecture

Y V Shikhovtsov

Samara State University of Economics

Кафедра физического воспитания; Самарский государственный экономический университет; Samara State University of Economics


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