The problem of organizing defence actions in volleyball: analysing the results of questioneering high-quality players and trainers

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The article examines the factors influencing the defence strategy of the players, defence formations used by master-players are analyzed. The usage rational defence formations during volleyball competitions allows to increase effectiveness of defence actions.

About the authors

Y V Shikhovtsov

Samara State University of Economics

Кафедра физического воспитания; Самарский государственный экономический университет; Samara State University of Economics

A A Lobanov

Samara State University of Architecture

Кафедра физического воспитания; Самарский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет; Samara State University of Architecture

I A Demidkina

Samara State University of Architecture

Кафедра физического воспитания; Самарский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет; Samara State University of Architecture


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