The peculiarities of treatment of cervical diseases associated with HPV-infections in teenag and young girls

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The differential treatment has been worked up according to the form of ectopy and viral load and based on the study of colposcopic, cytologic and immunologic findings. The effectiveness of isolated immunomodulating therapy in case of uncomplicated cervical ectopy is 75,5%. The using of immunomodulators in complex therapy combined with radio coagulation allows to improve the effectiveness of treatment from 66% to 98,5% in the group of patients with complicated cervical ectopy if compared with the group where immunomodulators have not been taken.

About the authors

L I Linask

Children’s city polyclinic № 9


E E Grigorieva

The Central Board of Health and Pharmaceutical Services in Altai Region


L A Kostyuchenko

The Altai State Medical University



Copyright (c) 2013 Линаск Л.И., Григорьева Е.Е., Костюченко Л.А.

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