The registration of postinstillative hyperthermia in eyes with the help of a thermograph as a means of displaing iatrogenic conjunctivitis

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Physicochemical parameters concerning qualities of medicines are different from corresponding characteristics of tissues of eyes which are able to cause while using medicines into the conjuctive space the change of temperature. The use of eye drops having room temperature causes reversible local hypothermia which in case of irritable factors change to the period of local hyperthermia. The registration of eye temperature with the help of a thermograph allows to detect the presence of postinstillative hyperthermia quickly safely and exactly. The evidence and duration of it indicates local drug toxicity.

About the authors

M L Kashkovskiy


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Кафедра общей и клинической фармакологии; ГОУ ВПО «ИГМА»; GOU VPO «IGMA»

A L Urakov


Email: <>
Кафедра общей и клинической фармакологии; ГОУ ВПО «ИГМА»; GOU VPO «IGMA»

N A Urakova


Email: <>
Кафедра общей и клинической фармакологии; ГОУ ВПО «ИГМА»; GOU VPO «IGMA»


Copyright (c) 2009 Кашковский М.Л., Ураков А.Л., Уракова Н.А.

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