- Authors: Efimova EY.1, Krayushkin AI1, Efimov Y.V1
- Volgograd State Medical University
- Issue: Vol 22, No 4 (2018)
- Pages: 421-427
- Section: Stomatology
- URL:
- DOI:
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The study of regularities and variant anatomy in the structure of organs and parts of the human body is one of the fundamental problems of morphology having an applied orientation. The main method of studying a person's aesthetics is a morphometric examination of the head. It includes the study of its size, size and shape of the face and its individual parts, as well as the relationship between the size and shape of the skull and dental arches. The main linear parameters of the skull and their interrelations with the parameters of the width of the dental arches of the upper jaw are studied on the skull of male of mature age with physiological occlusion of teeth. The study was carried out taking into account the type of skull. It was revealed that the index of the width of the dental arch from the vestibular side is lesser then the index of the upper face and the intergnatic part in the frontal part, and in the distal part - to the contrary. Indicators of the width of the dental arch from the palatal side were less in their values to the parameters of the skull at all levels of measurement in all craniotypes. Obtained data on the width of the dental arch of the upper jaw, linear parameters of the skull and their interrelations expand and deepen the information available in the literature on the dimensional characteristics of the craniofacial complex.
About the authors
E Yu Efimova
Volgograd State Medical University
Author for correspondence.
PhD, MD, Associate Professor, Volgograd State Medical University
Pavshikh Bortsov Sq., 1, 400131, Volgograd, RussiaA I Krayushkin
Volgograd State Medical University
Yu V Efimov
Volgograd State Medical University
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