Clinical case of successful resolution of bilateral pneumonia caused by Burkholderia cepacia complex in a patient with cystic fibrosis

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The article presents a clinical case of development cepacia syndrome in a patient with cystic fibrosis and the detailed 4-month therapy, which is repeatedly adjusted depending on the condition of the patient.

About the authors

D F Sergienko

Astrakhan state medical University Health Ministry of Russia

Author for correspondence.

PhD, MD, Professor, Astrakhan state medical University Health Ministry of Russia

I A Averina

Astrakhan state medical University Health Ministry of Russia


S A Krasovskii

FSBI “SRI of pulmonology” of FMBA of Russia


M V Afanasyeva

FSBI “SRI of pulmonology” of FMBA of Russia



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Copyright (c) 2018 Sergienko D.F., Averina I.A., Krasovskii S.A., Afanasyeva M.V.

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