Stress-strain state of reinforced concrete structures of the LN-1 and LN-2 retaining walls of Zagorskaya PSPP taking into account the opening of interblock joints and the formation of secondary cracks
- Authors: Khanov N.V.1, Pashchenko F.A.2
- Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy
- JSC “LenAeroProekt”
- Issue: Vol 17, No 4 (2021)
- Pages: 324-334
- Section: Analysis and design of building structures
- URL:
- DOI:
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Relevance. The lower retaining walls of the water intake of the Zagorskaya PSPP perform the important function of protecting the pressure water conduits from the collapse of the soil massif. Two of them (LN-2 and LN-3) were reinforced with anchor rods. Considering the long period of operation (more than 25 years), certain deviations in the work during examinations and field observations were revealed. So, on the front face of the walls, extended horizontal cracks were recorded (opening of horizontal interblock joints and the emergence of secondary oblique cracks on the front surface of the walls). To carry out computational studies of the stress-strain state of the downstream retaining walls was required. The purpose of the work was to determine the stress-strain state of the lower retaining walls of the water intake of the Zagorskaya PSPP taking into account the opening of interblock joints and the formation of secondary oblique cracks. Methods. Computational studies of the stress-strain state of retaining walls were carried out within the framework of the method of numerical modeling of reinforced concrete structures of hydraulic structures based on finite element models. In finite element models, structural features of retaining walls were reproduced, including anchor rods, horizontal interblock joints, actual reinforcement, secondary oblique cracks. Results. The stress-strain state of the retaining walls was obtained. The stresses in the longitudinal and transverse reinforcement were determined, including when the structure was changed due to anchor rods. In horizontally transverse reinforcement, tensile stresses exceeding the yield point are recorded. It took the development of measures to strengthen the lower retaining walls.
About the authors
Nartmir V. Khanov
Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy
Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5764-4734
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of the Department of Hydraulic Structures
19 Pryanishnikova St, Moscow, 127550, Russian FederationFedor A. Pashchenko
JSC “LenAeroProekt”
General Manager
122B Naberezhnaya Obvodnogo Kanala, Saint Petersburg, 198095, Russian FederationReferences
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