Influence of cover splices on the stress-strain state of plate-ribbed wood-composite panels
- Authors: Labudin B.V.1, Popov E.V.1, Oshchepkova E.S.1, Sopilov V.V.1, Ruslanova A.V.1, Fukalov A.A.2
- Northern (Arctic) Federal University
- Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
- Issue: Vol 16, No 6 (2020)
- Pages: 439-451
- Section: Analysis and design of building structures
- URL:
- DOI:
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Wooden-composite plate-ribbed bent panels with structural plywood and oriented strand board sheathing with breaks are considered. An overview of studies researching and improving the effectiveness of different types of panels is presented. On the basis of the theory of calculation of composite rods by A.R. Rzha- nitsyn, a mathematical model has been compiled, which makes it possible to calculate the stress-strain state of these structures, taking into account the pre- sence of breaks in the sheathing and the flexibility of the mechanical fasteners of the sheathing and ribs. An equation for finding the coordinates of the most dangerous section of wooden ribs in the presence of breaks in the sheathing, which may not match with the middle of the span, is obtained. Panels with sheathing in a compressed zone with different locations of joints, symmetrically relative to the middle of the panel span are considered. Panels without joints in the skin are considered to compare the results. The graphs of the dependence of the maximum tensile stresses in the ribs in the most dangerous section and the maximum vertical displacements from the stiffness coefficient of the shear ties and the location of the breaks in the sheathing are presented. The values of the coefficients for the engineering design of panels, taking into account the decrease in the strength and deformation characteristics of the composite section of panels with breaks in the sheathing, as compared to panels with a solid sheathing, are obtained. The conclusions and recommendations, based on the results of the investigations, which can be used in the design of wooden-composite plate-ribbed structures, are formulated.
About the authors
Boris V. Labudin
Northern (Arctic) Federal University
Author for correspondence.
Professor of the Department of Engineering Constructions, Doctor of Technical Sciences
17 Severnoi Dviny Embkt, Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russian FederationEgor V. Popov
Northern (Arctic) Federal University
Associate Professor of the Department of Engineering Constructions, Candidate of Technical Sciences
17 Severnoi Dviny Embkt, Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russian FederationEkaterina S. Oshchepkova
Northern (Arctic) Federal University
master student of the Department of Engineering Constructions
17 Severnoi Dviny Embkt, Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russian FederationValery V. Sopilov
Northern (Arctic) Federal University
postgraduate student of the Department of Engineering Constructions
17 Severnoi Dviny Embkt, Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russian FederationAnastasia V. Ruslanova
Northern (Arctic) Federal University
postgraduate student of the Department of Engineering Constructions
17 Severnoi Dviny Embkt, Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russian FederationAlexandr A. Fukalov
Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
master student of the Department of Construction Economics, Housing and Communal Services of the Institute of Continuous Forms of Education
4 2-ya Krasnoarmeyskaya St, Saint Petersburg, 190005, Russian FederationReferences
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