Probabilistic estimation seismic resistance of spatial steel frame under earthquake

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Relevance. By its nature, seismic action is represented by the accelerogram a pronounced multidimensional random process, generally containing six components. The calculation in the deterministic formulation does not always allow to adequately assess the reaction of the system. While the calculation in the probabilistic formulation more adequately reflects the work of the system and makes it possible to evaluate its seismic resistance with a given security. The aim of the work is to assess the actual load-carrying capacity safety margin and the taken when designing coefficient K1, taking into account the permissible damage to buildings and structures for the steel spatial frame when calculating on the seismic action. Methods. In the article, the steel spatial frame was calculated for two sets of accelerograms, with dominant frequencies close to the main frequencies of the frame's natural vibrations. Each set was synthesized as a family of unsteady random seismic impact implementations. The calculation was carried out on two-component seismic action in nonlinear dynamic formulation in the software complex LS-DYNA. Previously, the frame was designed in accordance with national standard SP 14.13330.2014 “Construction in seismic areas on the seismic action” of the design earthquake level in the software complex PC LIRA 10.8. According to the developed probabilistic method for each set the actual load-carrying capacity safety margins were obtained and the coefficients K1 were estimated. Results . An analysis of the results shows that the steel frame under consideration has a sufficiently large margin of load-carrying capacity, and the coefficient K1 is taken in norms excessively conservatively. The developed technique allows to correct the value of the accepted coefficient K1 for buildings and structures of certain structural schemes. That in its turn will increase the economic efficiency of construction in seismic areas and ensure the reliability of the designed buildings and structures.

About the authors

Oleg V. Mkrtychev

Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University)

Author for correspondence.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Strength of Materials Department

26 Yaroslavskoye Highway, Moscow, 129337, Russian Federation

Sergey V. Bulushev

Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University)


engineer of the research center “Reliability and Seismic Stability of Structures”

26 Yaroslavskoye Highway, Moscow, 129337, Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2020 Mkrtychev O.V., Bulushev S.V.

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