Criteria of strength of walls from large masonry blocks
- Authors: Pyatikrestovsky K.P.1
- Research Center of Construction (Joint Stock Company)
- Issue: Vol 15, No 4 (2019)
- Pages: 271-277
- Section: Analysis and design of building structures
- URL:
- DOI:
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Aims of research. The task is to apply modern strength criteria of anisotropic materials for the calculation of multilayer walls made of cellular concrete and silicate large masonry materials, which differ in exact dimensions and allow for thin-seam masonry with adhesive seams. Proposals for the inclusion in the design standards of guidance that takes into account the work of wall materials in complex stress states will be presented in a series of publications. Methods. The strength criteria of G.A. Geniev in a rather simplified form are used. The volumetric stress state of walls made of orthotropic materials is considered. The basis for the construction of strength criteria are three possible different mechanisms of destruction - separation, compression and shear. For modern thin-walled masonry is characterized by a combination of compressive (vertical) and shear (horizontal) loads. Of particular interest is the work of the masonry shift, since the plane stress state is not sufficiently studied. The article is devoted to the construction of the criterion of masonry shear strength. The peculiarity of the proposed calculations is the comparative simplicity of the strength criteria due to the accepted hypotheses. Results. The final expression of the shear strength criterion and the sequence of the shear strength verification in the case of simple loading are presented. The article is preliminary for a series of calculations and results of experimental studies of the walls under different operating conditions and different loads.
About the authors
Konstantin P. Pyatikrestovsky
Research Center of Construction (Joint Stock Company)
Author for correspondence.
SPIN-code: 7983-5656
Doctor of Science (Technical), chief researcher, Research Institute of Building Constructions (TSNIISK) named after V.A. Koucherenko;
6 2-ya Institutskaya St., Moscow, 109428, Russian FederationReferences
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