Numerical analysis of mechanical safety parameters of Congress Hall building in Chelyabinsk
- Authors: Belostotsky A.M.1,2, Akimov P.A.1,2, Dmitriev D.S.3, Pavlov A.S.2, Dyadchenko Y.N.2, Nagibovich A.I.2
- Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
- Scientific Research Center “StaDyO”
- Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences
- Issue: Vol 15, No 4 (2019)
- Pages: 251-260
- Section: Analysis and design of building structures
- URL:
- DOI:
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Aims of research. The article is devoted to actual problems of computational analysis of stress-strain state, strength and stability of load-bearing structures with allowance for the main and special combinations of loads and impacts, comparison of the results of alternative structural analysis of unique cultural and business complex “Congress Hall” in Chelyabinsk. The natural conditions of the area of location of this object and main load-bearing structures of the object are described. Besides, characteristic and design loads, their combinations, formulation of objectives of computational research and methods of solution are presented. Methods. Space discretization and solution of the corresponding problems of mathematical (numerical) and computer modelling of the considering unique building were carried out with the use of finite element method. Detailed finite element models of the coupled system “combined foundation - loadbearing structures” and its fragments (subsystems) were developed and verified. They adequately reflect geometric-stiffness, inertial and load parameters of the object and the resulting stress-strain state. Progressive collapse analysis are under consideration as well. Licensed, certified and verified (by the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences) finite element software package “ANSYS Mechanical” was used. Results. The resulting parameters of stress-strain state, strength and dynamics of load-bearing structures of the building with allowance for design (in accordance with design codes) combinations of vertical and wind loads are considered. Besides, information about results of progressive collapse analysis is presented. Thus, a reasonable conclusion is made about the reliability of the criterion parameters of strength, stability and dynamics of the load-bearing structures of the object.
About the authors
Alexander M. Belostotsky
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia; Scientific Research Center “StaDyO”
Author for correspondence.
SPIN-code: 8372-9904
Doctor of Science (Technical), Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences (RAACS); Professor, Department of Construction; Executive Director
6 Miklukho-Maklaya St., Moscow, 117198, Russian Federation; 18 3-ya Yamskogo Polya St., Moscow, 125124, Russian FederationPavel A. Akimov
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia; Scientific Research Center “StaDyO”
SPIN-code: 3838-0100
Doctor of Science (Technical), Professor, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences (RAACS); Professor, Department of Construction; Vice-Director for Science
6 Miklukho-Maklaya St., Moscow, 117198, Russian Federation; 18 3-ya Yamskogo Polya St., Moscow, 125124, Russian Federation; 24 Bolshaya Dmitrovka St., Moscow, 107031, Russian FederationDmitry S. Dmitriev
Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences
leading structural engineer, Department of Computational Analysis
18 3-ya Yamskogo Polya St., Moscow, 125124, Russian FederationAndrey S. Pavlov
Scientific Research Center “StaDyO”
SPIN-code: 2381-8699
Candidate of Sciences, leading structural engineer, Department of Computational Analysis
18 3-ya Yamskogo Polya St., Moscow, 125124, Russian FederationYulia N. Dyadchenko
Scientific Research Center “StaDyO”
senior structural engineer, Department of Computational Analysis.
18 3-ya Yamskogo Polya St., Moscow, 125124, Russian FederationAlexander I. Nagibovich
Scientific Research Center “StaDyO”
SPIN-code: 3400-0273
senior structural engineer, Department of Computational Analysis
18 3-ya Yamskogo Polya St., Moscow, 125124, Russian FederationReferences
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