The influence of criminal deviation on the demographic processes in the Republic of Bashkortostan

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The current demographic situation in most regions of Russia is characterized by a number of negative trends associated with population decline, aging, low birth rate, high mortality, redistribution of migration flows and outflow of population, mainly of its young and working-age part, to the most economically developed regions, cities and abroad. Numerous factors influence the state and trends of demographic processes; this influence is studied and taken into account when the strategies of the demographic and social-economic policies of the country as a whole and its regions are considered. The social-economic development and its specific components including demographic processes are also determined by social deviations of a delinquent and criminal nature. The destructive consequences of criminal deviation for demographic processes are not obvious or critical, but they are manifested both directly (human losses) and indirectly (material and financial costs, increased mortality from alcohol, drugs, suicides, social exclusion of people who are sick or isolated due to deviations). Criminal deviation as a type of destructive social deviations is manifested mainly in crime and in those deviations that are its cause and corpus delicti. Based on the analysis of statistical and sociological data on the Republic of Bashkortostan, the author considers negative consequences of criminal deviation for the demographic situation and insists on the need to find effective measures to reduce them to a socially acceptable level (a criterion of such measures effectiveness).

About the authors

S. V. Egoryshev

Eastern Economic and Law Humanitarian Academy Institute of Social and Economic Research of the Ufa Federal Research Center of the RAS

Author for correspondence.

доктор социологических наук, проректор по научной работе Восточной экономико-юридической гуманитарной академии; главный научный сотрудник Института социально-экономических исследований Уфимского федерального исследовательского центра Российской академии наук

Mendeleeva St., 215/4, Ufa, 450071, Russia


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