«Izvrascheniya», «Lzhekolkhozy» and «Relations with Clergy through Trotskyism»: «Dekulakization» in Southern Ural (1930-1934)

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This paper is based on the unpublished materials taken from local, regional and central Russian archives and contains an analysis of motives and reasoning behind 'dekulakization' ('raskulachivanie') of the Southern Ural peasants given in the testimonials as the arguments for the eviction. The state of Southern Ural peasants in the village and the steps the Soviet state took to fight with the peasants are also considered.

About the authors

A A Rakov

Russian State University for the Humanities

Кафедра истории России новейшего времениИсторико-архивный институт; Российский государственный гуманитарный университет; Russian State University for the Humanities


Copyright (c) 2009 Rakov A.A.

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