«Soft power» as a catalysator of socio-political conflicts

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The article is devoted to the study of a set of technologies united by the term “soft power” from the standpoint of using the potential of these technologies in order to manage socio-political conflicts in target countries. The essence and purpose of “soft power” in the contemporary activities of international political actors is revealed and investigated, and practical experience is used to study the key tools of “soft power”, including as an instrument of influence and propaganda in the global information space. The author makes a reasoned attempt to prove that in the era of globalization the importance and influence of “soft power” increases compared to traditional “hard” tools of influence, that “soft power” is actively used as a theoretical and practical guide at the global geopolitical level. The positive and negative potential of “soft power” are critically evaluated, the basic methods of protection against its destructive influence are analyzed.

About the authors

Oleg Borisovich Ivanov

Center for Social Conflicts Resolution

Author for correspondence.
Email: collegiamo@gmail.com

Head of the Center for Social Conflicts Resolution, Director of the Board of Intercessors affiliated with Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Moscow Region

Prosp. Mira, 72, Moscow, Russian Federation, 129063


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Copyright (c) 2019 Ivanov O.B.

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