Vol 8, No 1 (2021)
- Year: 2021
- Articles: 8
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/public-administration/issue/view/1411
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-8313-2021-8-1
Full Issue
Public administration: theory and practice
Urbanization and the COVID-2019 Pandemic in the World’s Cities: Losing the Benefits of the City or Rethinking of Urban Development?
The COVID-2019 pandemic has sparked a wave of discussions on further understanding the positive and negative aspects of urbanization, and the possible loss of the city's advantages. The problem has socio-economic, environmental, medical, architectural, managerial aspects and recommendations for changing the strategy of economic development, development of territories and settlement. The need to revise various decisions and types of socio-economic policy and regulation is largely manifested.

Collaborative Governance for Poverty Alleviation: A Systematic Mapping Study
The study of poverty reduction is very relevant in the 21st century. The rapid development of technology has proven to improve various quality of life but has not been able to solve the problem of poverty in a total scale. On the other hand, the development of public administration science, especially regarding collaborative governance, provides hope for poverty reduction through the active role of various parties. Many experts explain that poverty is a complex problem. Poverty reduction efforts must be carried out in a holistic and participatory manner. Furthermore, there needs to be an active contribution from various parties, namely the government, the private sector and the community. This requires researchers to conduct further studies on how Collaborative Governance can be an alternative solution to solving the problem of poverty. This study aims to delineate the development of Collaborative Governance studies through the Systematic Mapping Study and associate it to the poverty alleviation to obtain the current research position. The study shows that research on Collaborative Governance for Poverty Reduction is included in Social Issues in Community concentration and it has the lowest percentage. The most widely used method in the research concentrated on Collaborative Governance is qualitative, and the publication trend shows a very significant development, especially in 2014-2018. Therefore, research on collaborative governance for poverty alleviation is still very limited and the opportunity to produce variety of renewals is very large.

Career Strategies in the Context of Personal and Professional Development of Management Personnel
The article deals with the issues of personal and professional development of the management personnel reserve. The authors focus on the problems of staffing the public administration system, primarily the public civil service, emphasize that one of the key issues that directly affect the quality of public administration and the effectiveness of the public civil service is the personal and professional development of management personnel, effective leadership. Based on the analysis of the results of sociological research and statistical data, key problem areas in staffing and the implementation of personnel policy in the civil service, the possibility of implementing personnel strategies are determined. Noting the role of the managerial personnel reserve, the directions for improving the work with the personnel reserve in the context of a personality-oriented approach are substantiated, trends in changes in career expectations and the possibility of taking them into account in the formation of developmental activities are noted.

Infodemia: Concept, Social and Political Consequences, Methods of Managing
The article is devoted to the consideration of the “infodemia” phenomenon as a result of massive fakes injections associated with the 2019-nCoV pandemic. Author analyzes the global social and political consequences of disinformation in social networks and messengers on the topic of health, official health statistics and government methods to combat the spread of the virus. There is a decrease in trust to government authorities and official information sources and also an increase in the popularity of conspiracy narratives. Author identifies methods to deal with infodemia and analyzes their effectiveness.

Community Participation in the Reduction of Land Degradation: The Case Study of Shebel Berenta District, Amhara National Region State
Shebel Berenta district is one of the highland areas of Ethiopia highly prone to land degradation and drought by the report of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, (OCHA). Assessment of community participation to combat land degradation was the main objective of this study. Mixed research approach with concurrent triangulation design was followed. The target kebeles and the number of respondents were selected purposively. The sample size was found to be 368, which was determined by the Yemaneh (1967) formula and addressed through geographical listing method. Primary data was collected through Questionnaire, interview and FGD; whereas secondary data was also gained from researches, reports and different documents. The quantitative data was analyzed descriptively, and the qualitative data was analyzed using thematic analysis. The result shows that the trend of community participation is found to be decreasing/passive and dominated by the top down or planner centered approach of community participation as it was supported by 72.4% and 86.3% out of 149 and 219 total respondents from vulnerable and less vulnerable kebeles respectively. Incentives to inspire community participation are low and not adequate and resulted in the lack of willingness of the community. Lack of awareness, expansion of open grazing lands, lack of commitment from the people and government side, lack of consistency of Sustainable Land Management Practices (SLM), geographical barriers and others are the observed challenges of CP in the area.

Implementation of E-Government as a Public Service Innovation in Indonesia
E-Government implementation is the use of technology, information, and communication to realize more efficient and effective government practices in the process of implementing public services in order to facilitate public access to information and create principles of accountability, transparency and good public participation in the Indonesian government. This study aims to explain the implementation of E-Government in Indonesia which encourages the development of information and data systems and is adapted to existing bureaucratic processes. The method used in this research is qualitative research methods. The results showed that public service innovation organized by the government of the Republic of Indonesia was able to create relationships between elements in a country online, not inline, so that efficiency and speed in public services was not only a symbol but a reality.

The Caspian Region in the Conditions of New Geopolitical Challenges and New Tasks of Public Administration
The article is devoted geopolitical features of the Caspian region and the factors that determine its importance for Russia. The author analyzes in detail the risks of a change in the situation in the Caspian in the face of geopolitical challenges, including the war and the end of the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh, changes in Turkey's foreign policy and EU sanctions against Turkey. The article also touches on the issue of a possible change in the cooperation ties of the Caspian states in connection with the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic for the image of the China in the international arena.

Employees’ Post-service Plans and Options in Nigeria
One of the greatest challenges that faced typical employees throughout their working life is life after retirement. Despite government roles at providing social security, retirement epoch has been a tension provoking and overwhelming phenomenon in Nigeria and other emerging economies of Africa, Asia and Latin America. A close observation of many retirees in Nigeria society and the problems they are facing draw the attention of all and sundry. These problems seem to range from sudden death, dwindling status, lack of occupation, loss of the usual monthly salary, decreased strength and deteriorated health condition, physical disabilities, aging and anxiety about a residential home. In Nigeria, the regular non-payment of pensions and gratuities benefits has brought untold hardship and sudden death to many retirees, thereby making retirement something that is dreaded by workers. This problem is further compounded to lack of planning and management of post-service epoch and conditions. It is against this backdrop that this paper seeks to identify and discusses strategies available for managing post-service condition in Nigeria. The paper calls on Nigerian workers to embrace one of the options to remain moderately productive and healthy after retirement. The paper suggests, among others, that both employers and government should undertake regular pre-retirement training for their workers in order to save the country the embarrassment of seeing their retirees going to early graves or turning into destitute on the streets.