Vol 5, No 4 (2018)
- Year: 2018
- Articles: 9
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/public-administration/issue/view/1194
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-8313-2018-5-4
Full Issue
Features of management teams in public service bodies
The modern period of reforming the public service, increasing its efficiency, effectiveness, usefulness of activities is full of events, innovations, and social experiments. In recent years the main vector of changes is aimed at the introduction of modern management tools in the public service. National and regional competitions for the selection of personnel reserve are held, social lift programs are implemented, project management elements and management tools for key performance indicators are introduced. The article considers an important component, which is the basis of organizational changes in the public service. The formation and development of management teams at all levels of public service is a fundamental task for the development of a culture of modern management and quality change. Among the positive results of the transformation of the public service there can be called the emergence of “Islands” of the reformers, who make attempts to change the structure of the public service, the culture of which evolved for decades and in many ways is still a legacy of the last century. One of the most urgent tasks of the current period is the need to move to team leadership at all levels of the public service. The author substantiates the conclusion about the need for the development of management teams and the formation of the team leadership culture. On the basis of the conducted research, the systemic actions for the public service management team development are proposed.

The development of the system of material stimulation of civil servants
The article discusses the processes of institutional change in public service in a changing external environment, focuses on the problems of unbalancing the status of civil servants, substantiates the direction of development of the system of material incentives in the logic of performance management.

School of creative management as a tool for creating careers of future managers
The article is devoted to the formation of the professional competences of the student of the administrative higher education institution on the NIM RANEPA example of the creation of the School of Creative Management on the basis of the. This project provides an opportunity for future employment of the best students of the Institute and contributes to building a managerial career for proactive graduates, being a social elevator in modern vocational education.

Public administration: theory and practice
Recommendations for improving the financial support of municipalities in the russian federation
The relevance of the study is due to the presence of problems in the management of municipal finances and the need to identify ways to solve them. The purpose of the study is to formulate a set of recommendations that will make it possible to achieve improved financial support for municipalities in the current socio-economic conditions as a basis for ensuring their development and improving the quality of life of the population. Materials and research methods. The research uses official Federal Treasury data for 2015-2017, the processing of which was carried out using such methods as analysis, synthesis, a set of graphical tools for presenting results. Results. According to the results of the study, author’s recommendations were formulated for improving the financial support of municipalities in the Russian Federation. Conclusion The results of the study are recommended to be practically introduced into the management of all municipal entities in the Russian Federation, as well as to be used by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation to develop relevant guidelines.

State management of scientific and scientific-technical activity in the Russian Federation on the example of the preparation and adoption of the system of scientific specialties
This article is a further continuation of the work on the review of the foundations of public administration of the use of national resources in relation to the field of scientific and state scientific and technical activities in the Russian Federation. The basic functions of the state management of scientific and technical activity are considered from the system positions, the analysis of the existing legal regulation of preparation and acceptance of system of scientific specialties on which scientific degrees are awarded is carried out, system shortcomings of the approved nomenclature of scientific specialties on which scientific degrees are awarded are revealed. The substantiation of the classification system for “Nomenclature of scientific specialties for which scientific degrees are awarded” is carried out.

Macroeconomic problems of the oil-exporting countries in the conditions of instability on the world market
Macroeconomic problems of the oil-exporting countries, determined by the instability on the world oil market are still a significant factor affecting the development and socio-economic situation in this group of states and their economic policies. This is especially pronounced in the context of falling world oil prices, when for oil-exporting countries the question of restructuring the economic structure dependent on the oil factor arises with particular urgency. However, the global system of international division of labor imposes serious structural constraints on opportunities and rates of structural economic reforms. At the same time, despite the peculiarities and diversity of the manifestations of macroeconomic problems in various oil exporting countries under the fluctuations in the oil market conditions, similar difficulties in the field of financial, economic, structural and foreign economic policies are manifested.

Evolution of public administration of book publishing in Russia (the middle of the XVI century - 1980s)
In this article author examines the history of public administration of book publishing since the birth of mass printing in the middle of the XVI century to the stagnant crisis of 1980s. During this period of time the national book publishing has changed in the legal field, in copyright and censorship of the press, and in the structure of management, in establishment and functioning of supervisory authorities. In the 1980-s public administration of book publishing was an effective centralized system of regulating the book publishing and book distribution throughout the country as a whole. But the stagnant crisis of 1980-s, which took place in many sectors of the Soviet economy, demanded reform and change.

The liberal reforms of Alexander II and the present
The article is devoted to the analysis of liberal reforms of Alexander II. A special place is given to the development of parliamentarism, the creation of an effective system of independent financial control. The retrospective view in the era of Alexander II is compared with the analysis of modern liberal transformations. And this comparison, alas, is not in favor of the current liberal reformers. The effectiveness of the transformation initiated by Alexander II, confirmed by time. Many of his initiatives have not lost their relevance in modern conditions.

The problem of child neglect and homelessness in Russia
The article discusses and identifies the causes of child neglect and neglect in Russia. Also the necessary complex approach allowing to counteract this negative phenomenon which affects public authorities, the legislation, change of the General social and economic environment is specified.