Preliminary Validation of the Questionnaire on Behavioral Strategies in Intercultural Conflict
- Authors: Batkhina A.A.1
- National Research University Higher School of Economics
- Issue: Vol 18, No 3 (2021)
- Pages: 489-506
- URL:
- DOI:
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Globalization, forced and voluntary migration, as well as the development of international relations result in increased cultural heterogeneity and, accordingly, increased frequency of intercultural contacts. Unfortunately, the massive clash of different cultures, ethnic groups and confessions is often accompanied by the emergence of cultural misunderstandings, prejudices and conflicts. From the point of view of scientific knowledge, intercultural conflict is a relatively new and poorly studied subject of psychology, which includes the need to create new tools for studying this kind of conflict. The article presents the results of the development and preliminary validation of The Questionnaire on Behavioral Strategies in Intercultural Conflict based on a motivational model for choosing a behavioral strategy. The development of the questionnaire took place in several stages and included a qualitative and quantitative methodology. The methodology was validated on a Russian sample (N = 256). The obtained results of approbation indicate rather high psychometric characteristics of the method as a research tool. The developed questionnaire describes behavior consistent with seven strategies: collaborating, competing, avoiding, accommodating, teaching norms, expressing negative emotions, and searching a third party. The questionnaire can be used by various specialists for the prevention and settlement of intercultural conflicts, when conducting trainings on ethnic tolerance and intercultural competence and communication, when developing recommendations for state and non-profit organizations dealing with the problems of interethnic relations, adaptation of refugees and migrants.
About the authors
Anastasia A. Batkhina
National Research University Higher School of Economics
Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0397-296X
PhD in Psychology, is Junior Research Fellow, Center for Sociocultural Research
20 Myasnitskaya St, Moscow, 101000, Russian FederationReferences
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