Dynamics of Value Priorities of Russian Youth in Modern Geopolitical Conditions


The study analyzes changes in political values and attitudes among the youth of Russian regions, identifies possible strategies of their political behavior, and examines risk factors at the present stage. The research is based on the results of mass surveys and focus groups conducted among schoolchildren and students in the Siberian and Far Eastern regions during the period from 2020 to 2023. As a result, the authors note a transformation of youth political preferences from readiness for active participation in politics towards closedness, conflict avoidance, and political disengagement. In the context of the current difficult socio-economic conditions, there is a transformation in youth motivation - the pursuit of comfort is supplemented by a sense of injustice, which potentially may contribute to the resurgence of youth political activity. Furthermore, current pessimistic moods among youth and their search for ways to adapt to the changing situation may manifest not only in the current prevailing acquiescence but also in increased conflict and aggression. Since the youth exhibits communicative closedness due to fear of criticism and consequences, making internal processes less visible, these factors require further attention and research to understand the future development of Russian society.

About the authors

Yaroslava Yu. Shashkova

Altai State University

Author for correspondence.
Email: yashashkova@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6126-7097

Doctor of Political Science, Full Professor, Department of Philosophy and Political Science

Barnaul, Russian Federation

Dmitry A. Kazantsev

Altai State University

Email: dimkazanchev@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7287-6413

Senior Lecturer, Department of Philosophy and Political Science

Barnaul, Russian Federation


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