The Changes of Forms of Public Contestation in PostDemocracy
- Authors: Savenkov R.V.1
- Voronezh State University
- Issue: Vol 22, No 1 (2020)
- Pages: 134-143
- URL:
- DOI:
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The paper discusses the main trends in changing forms of political contestation of citizens in contemporary competitive and non-competitive political regimes. Social transformations led to the destruction of traditional social groups capable of joint political action. Along with social changes in the political sphere, the nature of the basic institution of political contestation - political parties - has changed, acting as political opposition. Contemporary political party reduces the scale of citizen involvement in political action, increasing the cost of political advertising, thereby becoming dependent on influential economic interest groups and state funding. The weakening of the political pressure of society through institutionalized channels led to the disappointment of the democratic system as a whole. Citizens in the contemporary world increasingly prefer noninstitutionalized and illegitimate forms of political action. However, observations of dispute practices in North Africa, the Middle East, Spain, the United States, France, and Russia in the 2010s demonstrate that the dominant position of institutional channels of influence on political and public decisions has been maintained. New opportunities of the Internet for organizing collective actions of citizens have not led to the formation of a new identity of dissatisfied people and the consolidation of effective online deliberation practices.
About the authors
Roman V. Savenkov
Voronezh State University
Author for correspondence.
PhD in Political Science, Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology and Political Science
Universitetskaya Square, 1, Voronezh, Russian Federation, 394018References
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