
Perception by Russian Social Media Users of Mass Protests During the Attempted Coup in Kazakhstan
Brodovskaya E.V., Parma R.V., Podrezov K.A., Davydova M.A.
“How to March at the Computer”: The Role of Digitalization in the Activities of the Regional Patriotic Organizations of Siberian Federal District
Kazantsev D.A., Kachusov D.A., Shashkova Y.Y.
The Problem of the Left-Right Divide in Modern Russia Through the Lens of Social Constructivism
Zhigadlo K.V.
The Frame Analysis of Social Movements: The Illustration of A Dynamic Approach to Framing
Zhigadlo K.V.
The “Moscow Case” as a Factor of Protest Communication Activity in the Social Network “VK”
Philippov I.B.
Digital Echo Chambers as Phenomenon of Political Space
Beznosov M.A., Golikov A.S.
Affective Political Polarization and Hate Speech: Made for Each Other?
Stukal D.K., Akhremenko A.S., Petrov A.P.
The Language Resources of the Russia’s Foreign Humanitarian Policy: The Digital Components
Yanush O.B.
New media in the modern politics. The works of the round table
Kazarinova D.B., Kopalkina E.A., Pozharnitskaya T.A., Zor'kina K.V., Bizhanov A.Z., Gubanov S.S.
How Russian Youth Consume Information: Case Study of the Political Science Students of the Financial University
Volodenkov S.V., Belokonev S.Y., Suslova A.A.
Political Communications: New Opportunities and Technologies
Opanasenko N.V.
1 - 11 of 11 Items

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