No 4 (2010)
- Year: 2010
- Articles: 14
- URL:

Authority Relations in the Russian Federation in the Context of the Essence of the Policy of Regions
The article is devoted to the analysis of relations and role of regions of Russia in structure of federal relations. The author considers resource possibilities of the regional power to express their essence and mission as subjects of the policy of regions and the policy of interests of Federation.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2010;(4):20-31

The Migration Policy of the Russian Federation in the Far EastRegion
Modern development of the Far East region of Russia is directly connected with elaboration and implementation of the balanced and weighed Migration Policy. Migration flows influence on various spheres of the state and public life. Changes of a geopolitical situation, aggravation of ethnic and other contradictions, especially in frontier areas, are capable to lead to complication in problems of national security.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2010;(4):32-37

The Functions of Inter-Budget Relationships Governance as a Part of the Regional Financial Policy
The article is devoted to the analysis of the basic functions of the regional inter-budget adjustment. The creation of the regional financial policy is determined by the realization of these functions. The comparative analysis of the realization of these functions in the stability conditions and in the economical crisis is represented the special interest when the problem of the «soft budget constraint» is actualized.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2010;(4):38-50

Formation of the New Image of Russia with Soft Power
In the article is given the explanation of definitions «brand» and «image». Analyzed components of image of the state, feature of its formation, specificity of image of Russia in the external and internal markets, problems of public relations in formation of image of Russia.
The author makes an attempt to rethink approaches to strategy of formation of image of the country in the conditions of globalization.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2010;(4):51-60

The Centers of Strategic Research of Foreign Policy of the Republic of Turkey: the General Characteristic and Stages of Functioning
Changes and complication of an existing international political situation provide new challenges for diplomacy of every state. During making of foreign policy decisions complete and deep understanding of a subject of policy is required. Because of this matter in many countries of the world there are special nongovernmental organizations that provide the qualitative analysis of internal and foreign politics situation. In the given article the centers of strategic research which are carrying out the analysis of foreign policy of Turkish Republic are characterized. Their structure, level and scale of expertise and also stages of functioning are analyzed.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2010;(4):61-67

The Conflicts on Southern Caucasus: the Reasons of the «Five-Days War»
The article analyzes the essence of the modern international conflicts on an example of the situation on Southern Caucasus. The reasons behind self escalation of the conflicts between Georgia and Abkhazia and Southern Ossetia are analyzed. The author's estimation of actions of the parties in a phase previous to military actions is also offered in the article.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2010;(4):68-72

Peaceful Means of Settlement of Territorial Disputes in Africa
Territorial issues are serious sources of constant tension, instability and inter-state armed conflicts in Africa. This article addresses the necessity to resolve territorial disputes between African States within the strict framework of regional and international organizations only by peaceful means.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2010;(4):73-77

Information Technologies of the «Color Revolutions»
The article contains analysis of the role of information technologies in conducting of the «color revolutions» in the post-Soviet countries. The authors suggest that the use information technologies can be very effective, especially when the task is to destabilize the society.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2010;(4):78-85

Social and Economic Signs and Political Interests of the New Class of Information Society
The sociologists are speaking about new class of informational epoch. The accordant concepts of R. Florida, V. Inozemtsev and A. Bard - J. Söderqvist are reviewed in the article. The scientists concentrate their attention on describing different (economic, social, cultural, and informational) features of the class and do not provide a full definition of this unique phenomenon. The author of the article is summarized the major features of this class that make it a subject of politics.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2010;(4):86-97

The Problem of Corruption Counteraction in the Subject Field of the Theory of Acceptance of Political Decisions
The article is dedicated to the problem of anticorruption elaboration of political decisions. The research of new institutionalism methodology within the limits of the theory of acceptance of political decisions is in the heart of analysis. The author reveals specificity of selection of integrant strategies by political actors in conditions of multidirectional political communication. This process is taken up as the main part of anticorruption politics in the state.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2010;(4):98-105

Global Civil Society: the Formation of the New Actor of World Politics. Part I
The article is dedicated to the analysis of the emerging global phenomenon: the rise of global civil society as the new actor of world politics. The author suggests that the importance of global civil society as a «third way» between the State and the Free Market is especially high at the time of modern economic crisis. Global civil society organizations work out the new socio-political agenda for the world and new approaches to the global problems. This shaping society is full of conflicts and contradictions but its rapid development in the 1990-2000th is the milestone for developing of truly global politics.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2010;(4):106-115

On Our Authors
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2010;(4):133-134