No 3 (2013)
- Year: 2013
- Articles: 12
- URL:
System Innovations for Russia
For the effective existence of the Russian state it is needed a real strategy of innovative changes. Innovative development appears in two forms: technological and social. Innovation requires transformation of the existing political system. Currently, radical appeals and actions to modernize it allegedly do not receive public support and are rejected by the society.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(3):5-12

The Influence of the Authoritarian Syndrome on the Process of Legitimation of Government Institutions in Today’s Russia
The article examines the influence of the authoritarian syndrome on the process of legitimization of various bodies and institutions of government, in particular, to establish and maintain a personal type of legitimation. The author offers the analysis of prospects for the transformation of Russian political regime, namely the transfer from the personal type of legitimacy of the political system to the structural type. It shows the dynamics of components of the authoritarian syndrome is widely spread in the mass consciousness of Russians from 1992 to 2012. The article describes a new approach to the authoritarianism, along with cultural, neo-institutional, institutional explanation of the reasons supporting the communication, trust, and an uncritical attitude to the president, stands authoritarian syndrome.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(3):13-27

Catalan Separatism: Factors of Impact on the Status of the Autonomous Community
The paper defines the resources and strategies of the separatist movement in Catalonia 1990—2000-s., the factors of its impact on the status of the autonomous community of Spain, the causes of radicalization after the adoption of the new Statute of Catalonia. In the spotlight — two interrelated aspects: institutional development of political parties and public opinion in the region.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(3):28-38

Chinese Political Strategy in Eastern Asia. Part II
This article is devoted to the actual problem of transformation of foreign policy strategy of China in Eastern Asia during the last years. The main aspects of Chinese policy in the region are domination of economic approaches and practical embodiment of “soft power” concept. China seeks to transfer reviews about problematic points in economical interaction with the region`s countries and decisions about territorial disputes from the multilateral level to bilateral level, furthermore actively counteract to the policy of the USA and Japan, trying to make an “anti-sin coalition” from the perspective of institutional design within the political-military organization by the type of NATO.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(3):39-48

“Soft Power” of Foreign Policy Activity of the USA: Institutions and Mechanisms of Formation
The main institutes and mechanism of soft power policy, its preconditions and formation are being considered in this article. In the end author comes to conclusion that nowadays it’s more appropriate to talk about smart power in context of US’ foreign policy.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(3):49-54

Institutional Transformation in Armenia in 1990—2012
The article analyses the peculiarities of institutional transformation and political processes in Armenia in 1990—2012. During the first years of independence the president as a political actor was dominating within the political system. The main trend was the presidentialisation of the system, simultaneously the role of the legislature was decreasing with certain marginalization of the latter and consequently the system functioned less democratically. The analysis of the authorities of political subjects demonstrates that power concentration within presidential institution negatively influences independent functioning of the parliament, while more powerful legislatures provide possibilities for more balanced relations between the branches and more articulated role of executive power.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(3):55-66

The Directions of Developing and Reforming of the Municipal Systems in the European Countries
The article deals with short review of concepts, directions and practical steps of reforming the municipal systems in the European countries. The special emphasis is paid to the German experience of reforming the municipal systems. To some extent it as well as the experience of other European countries can be used for formulation of the concept of the development of the municipal system in Russia.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(3):67-78

The significance of communication means of the internet in contemporary politics
In the given article on the basis of comparative analysis is studied the dual nature of the widespread approaches to influence of media sphere upon political processes by the example of actual events in western countries and Arab world. The authors investigate mobilization, integration, democratization and intervention capabilities of the modern media sphere. The practices of application of the new media means by the leading countries as specific tools of soft power strategies at national and international levels have been thoroughly analyzed in the article. The authors come to conclusion that in the modern world the functional apparatus of the Internet despite it architectural openness and infinite socio-political potential is limited by the activities of media elites that hinder true civil participation. Untimely proclaimed democratic character of media sphere is weaken by commercialization and consumerism of media space. The category of “feedback” as an important mobilization tool has situational character and has the short-term impact upon political views and perceptions.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(3):79-97

Ideology-political Conception of Jose Carlos Mariategui: the Inlfuence on Leftists of Latin America
In the given article the political conception of Peruan thinker and political activist Jose Carlos Mariategui is being analyzed. In the article is shown that in contemporary period the ideas of Jose Carlos Mariategui are popular in Peru and whole Latin America.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(3):98-106

Opposition: the Essence of the Political Phenomenon
The article touches upon various approaches to the definition of the political opposition, analyzes the most common interpretations of this phenomenon. Based on the analysis the author proposes the new definition of the political opposition.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(3):107-116

Political Projecting in the Space of Social Communications: Theory and Technology. Thesis of the Round Table
The «round table» on «Political Projecting in the Space of Social Communications: Theory and Technology» was held on April 10, 2013 at the Faculty of History, Political Science and Law of the Russian State University for the Humanities. This «round table» was organized by the Department of Theoretical and Applied Political Science of the Russian State University for the Humanities and the Department of Comparative Politics of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(3):117-149

On Our Authors
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(3):150-152