Priority Directions of the state Policy in the Sphere of Higher Education in the USA
- Authors: Denisenkova NN1
- Smolensk branch Moscow state university of Railway engineering
- Issue: No 3 (2009)
- Pages: 46-50
- URL:
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The beginning of XXI century is marked by unprecedented demand for education in the world, and in the USA, in particular. Comprehension of its crucial importance for welfare and economic development and creation of the future where the new generation should seize new skills, knowledge and ideas grows. Process of internationalization of higher education, a generality of those calls with educational systems worldwide are necessary to collide to, create preconditions and opportunities to loan the most successful foreign experience of educational policy in view of national features and traditions of the educational development. A number of innovations which receive the increasing distribution are obliged by the existence to definite national educational systems.
About the authors
N N Denisenkova
Smolensk branch Moscow state university of Railway engineeringКафедра иностранных языков; Смоленский филиалМосковского государственного университета путей сообщения; Smolensk branch Moscow state university of Railway engineering