Hermann Cohen’s logic of the pure knowledge as a philosophy of science
- Authors: Sokuler Z.A.1
- Lomonosov Moscow State University
- Pages: 658-671
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/philosophy/article/view/32113
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2313-2302-2022-26-3-658-671
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The connection of Hermann Сohen’s “The Logic of Pure Knowledge” with the revolutionary transformations in physics and mathematics at the end of the 19th century is shown. Сohen criticised Kant’s answer to the question “How is mathematics possible”? If Kant refers to a priori forms of pure intuition, Сohen sees in it a restriction of freedom of mathematical thinking by limits of intuition. It has been shown that Cohen's position is in accordance with the main development of mathematics in the last decades of the 19th century, in particular, with K. Weierstrass’ striving to get rid of geometrical or mechanical images and intuitions in the mathematical analysis. Cohen was also well informed about the latest ideas in physics of his time. They are also discussed in “The Logic of Pure Knowledge.” The revolutionary spirit of physics and mathematics was appealing to Cohen, and he felt a corresponding enthusiasm for it. The ongoing scientific revolution is consonant with Cohen’s assertion that the foundations of science are hypotheses. The purity of pure thinking does not guarantee the correctness of any of its constructions. Each step in the development of science requires a critique of existing notions. The development of knowledge from the naive to the critical one shows a movement from a picture of the world as a set of stable things to a picture of continuous movement and change, where change is more important than what changes. Cohen sees such a development in an evolution of the concept of substance in modern physics and he welcomes the replacement of material substance by energy, seeing this movement as a confirmation of critical idealism. Finally, it is discussed whether we can speak of the actuality of Cohen’s logic of pure knowledge.
About the authors
Zinaida A. Sokuler
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Author for correspondence.
Email: zasokuler@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0602-4295
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Chair of Ontology and Theory of Knowledge
27-4, Lomonosovsky Prospekt, GSP-1, Moscow, 119991, Russian FederationReferences
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