Particularities of Interpretations of the Main Provisions of Madhyamaka and Yogācāra by Buddhist Authors in Tibet and Other Countries
- Authors: Lepekhov S.Y.1
- Institute for Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan studies of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- Issue: Vol 28, No 1 (2024): MAHAYANA BUDDHIST PHILOSOPHY
- Pages: 78-90
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- EDN:
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Various features of the interpretation of these schools main positions, the reasons for their appearance and the consequences for the development of Mahayana Buddhism have been the subject of discussion in this research. Attention is drawn to the existence of various ideas of Buddhist authors about the interpretation of fundamental philosophical ideas of these schools. The influence of the peculiarities of translation into other languages for the adequate transmission of the author’s thought is discussed. It is noted that the possibility of different interpretations was already established in the very methodology of the transmission of Buddhist doctrines, formed at the earliest stages of Buddhism. The opinions of a number of Tibetan authors are analyzed. The study presents the derivation of the existence of different interpretations of some categories central to Mahayana Buddhism due to the presence of different philosophical methodologies. A number of features were associated with the interpretation of the correlation of logical-critical knowledge, yogic methods and their priority in choosing ways to achieve an exit from the chain of rebirth. The factor of similarities in the positions of such authors as Nāgārjuna and Vasubandhu (traditionally attributed to different schools) makes it problematic to unambiguously interpret their philosophical positions; Some features of these schools were determined not only by theoretical backgrounds, but also by political struggle for a leading place in the Buddhist hierarchy of a certain country, as well as the desire to affect authorities.
About the authors
Sergei Yu. Lepekhov
Institute for Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan studies of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0009-0002-8600-0783
DSc in Philosophy, Professor, Chief Researcher, The Center of Eastern Manuscripts and Xylographs
6 Sakh’yanovoi St., 670047, Ulan-Ude, Russian FederationReferences
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