A.F. Losev on F.M. Dostoevsky. About Losev's Activity in the Literary Section of the GAKhN

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The researcher scrutinizes one peculiar historical and philosophical fact which has been generally overlooked when studying Dostoevsky. The analysis of the writer's works was carried out by the outstanding Russian philosopher Aleksei Losev at the Russian Academy of Artistic Sciences (GAKhN). The article also provides further information on Losev's work at the Academy in the 1920s. Special regard is paid to the Russian philosopher's activities in the Literary Section in 1927-1929 (in the group on Ancient Literature, in the Commission for the Study of Dostoevsky). The author provides ample evidence of the special treatment Losev paid to Dostoevsky, including numerous discussions of reports on the Russian writer's oeuvre. The article draws attention to the fact that the main focus of Losev's analysis of Dostoevsky was the writer's symbolism. It is noted that Losev turned to the study of such as early as in the 1920s. However, the philosopher managed to publish his findings much later. According to Losev, symbolic images pervade all of Dostoevsky's works. Based on the comprehensive evaluation of archival sources (recorded in the minutes of meetings, preserved at the Academy) and their comparison, the article unveils a picture of the Russian philosopher's activity and agenda. That helps us better grasp the range of his scholarly interests, significantly expands the opportunities for further research into this period of Losev's life and provides new data for the GAKhN history.

About the authors

Giorgia Rimondi

University of Parma

Author for correspondence.
Email: giorgia.rimondi@gmail.com


12, via Università, Parma, 43121, Italy


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