Aristotle Philosophy within the Meaning of the Ontological Status of Music
- Authors: Kolomiets GG1
- Orenburg State University
- Issue: Vol 22, No 1 (2018)
- Pages: 55-64
- URL:
- DOI:
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The author considers the metaphysics of Aristotle in its significance for the aesthetics and the philosophy of music, where the music is, first of all, by its nature is presented as a substance (essence, consisting in movement, rhythm, among other things, the divine mind) and, secondly, as a becoming shape musical art, the value of human interaction with the world. In the author’s interpretation of the Aristotelian doctrine of the essence, the music is becoming substantialistically musical being. In the making of the musical form the laws of the logos, Mind, creation. Concepts: substance (essence), matter and form, entelechy, energy - are considered in the context of aesthetics and musical art. The author draws attention to the fact that the issue of music as an art form in the world of human existence, Aristotle was interested in music for the purpose of man, where he shared a professional work and making music, you need to nurture. Noting its purpose, according to the philosopher said, pleasure, recreation, virtue, purification of the soul, it was found that the ability of music to influence the moral aspect of the soul remained for him an open problem. Aristotle’s metaphysics approved idea of music as a musical form and substance as a process music as a means of value of human interaction with the world, which makes the belief in the stability of the laws of becoming of musical forms.
About the authors
G G Kolomiets
Orenburg State University
Author for correspondence.
доктор философских наук, профессор кафедры философии и культурологии
Pobedy av., 13, Orenburg, Russia, 460018References
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