“Space of time” (SoT) or «time of space» (ToS): one comment on von Wright’s model of time

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In the paper is considered the tense model of Georg von Wright. It is shown that the understanding of time by von Wright relies, in their essentials features, on the “changes” in the world of the sensual observed events and, therefore, can be called as a model “Time of Space” (ToS). This interdependence leads to a number of principle difficulties: the inability to describe adequately the temporal changes in the framework of cyclic processes, fluctuations, etc. Has been built the logical square with the Wright’s temporal operator (T - “and next”). Has been proposed by me a model of “Space of Time” (SoT) as an alternative to the model (ToS), in which the Wright’s “changes of events” are consecutive points of “the space of such changes”.

About the authors

A N Pavlenko

Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
Email: anpavlenko@mail.ru
12/1, Goncharnaja St., 109240, Moscow, Russian Federation


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