
Complex eigenvalues in Kuryshkin-Wodkiewicz quantum mechanics
Zorin A.V., Malykh M.D., Sevastianov L.A.
Investigation of adiabatic waveguide modes model for smoothly irregular integrated optical waveguides
Sevastyanov A.L.
Single-mode propagation of adiabatic guided modes in smoothly irregular integral optical waveguides
Sevastianov A.L.
Asymptotic method for constructing a model of adiabatic guided modes of smoothly irregular integrated optical waveguides
Sevastianov A.L.
The Algorithms of the Numerical Solution to the Parametric Two-Dimensional Boundary-Value Problem and Calculation Derivative of Solution with Respect to the Parameter and Matrix Elements by the Finite-Element Method
Gusev A.A.
Numerical Solutions for the Schr¨odinger Equation with a Degenerate Polynomial Potential of Even Power
Batgerel B., Zhanlav T.
Normal modes of a waveguide as eigenvectors of a self-adjoint operator pencil
Malykh M.D.
On a Method of Investigation of the Self-Consistent NonlinearBoundary-Value Problem for Eigen-Valueswith Growing Potentials
Amirkhanov I.V., Sarker N.R.
High-Accuracy Finite Element Method for Solving Boundary-Value Problems for Elliptic Partial Differential Equations
Gusev A.A.
Algorithms and Programs for Solving Boundary-Value Problems for Systems of Second-Order ODEs with Piecewise Constant Potentials: Multichannel Scattering and Eigenvalue Problems
Gusev A.A., Chuluunbaatar O., Vinitsky S.I., Hai L.L., Derbov V.L., Gόźdź A.
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