
Investigation of Thermoelastic Effects in Metals in the Frame of the Modified Thermal Spike Model
Amirkhanov I.V., Puzynin I.V., Puzynina T.P., Sarhadov I.
Modification of the Numerical Code for Gas-Dynamical Flowsin Cylindrical Coordinates
Filistov E.A.
Numerical Simulation of Thermoelastic Waves Arising in Materials Under the Action of Different Physical Factors
Amirkhanov I.V., Sarhadov I., Ghaleb A.F., Sweilam N.H.
Modernization of the SP-40 Magnet of the NIS Spectrometer with the Purpose of Increasing the Homogeneous Field Volume
Polyakova R.V., Yudin I.P., Voloshina I.G., Perepelkin E.E., Rossiskaya N.S., Syachin A.E., Shavrina T.V.
Numerical simulation of thermal processes occurring in materials under the action of femtosecond laser pulses
Amirkhanov I.V., Sarker N.R., Sarkhadov I.
Mathematical Modeling of Heat Frozen Earth
Kudryashov N.A., Chmykhov M.A., Kudryavcev E.M.
Numerical modeling of laser ablation of materials
Amirkhanov I.V., Sarker N.R., Sarkhadov I.
Self-Organization of Adiabatic Shear Bands in Copper and Steel
Kudryashov N.A., Ryabov P.N., Zakharchenko A.S.
Mathematical model of cavitation under the influence of a single stretching pulse
Kravchenko N.Y., Kulyabov D.S.
Modification of the Two-Dimensional Numerical Code for Gas-Dynamical Flows in Polar Coordinates
Filistov E.A.
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