
On a set of tests for numerical methods of integrating differential equations, based on the Calogero system
Malykh M.D., Shiwei W., Ying Y.
Generalized Frames and Riesz Systems
Tomashevskiy S.V.
Conservative finite difference schemes for dynamical systems
Ying Y., Lu Z.
Research of Stability of Integral Variety for Perturbation of Constraints with Constant Coefficients
Gorshkov E.A.
Analysis of Queueing Systems with an Infinite Number of Servers and a Small Parameter
Vasilyev S.A., Tsareva G.O.
A Heterogeneous Fork-Join Queueing System in Which EachJob Occupy All Free Servers
Osipov O.A.
Mathematics Modeling of NonlinearGeneric Mechanics System in Computers Mathematic Maple
Ignatyev Y.G., Abdulla K.H.
Synthesis of 3D-dynamical Systems with Critical Points of Given Topological Structures
Volkov S.V.
Multi-level LP-Structures in Rewriting Systems
Makhortov S.D.
Synthesis of Dynamical Systems, which Phase Portraits Contain Elementary Cells with a Prescribed Topological Structure. Part 1
Volkov S.V., Davydova M.A.
Algorithms for Solving the Boundary-Value Problems for Atomic Trimers in Collinear Configuration using the Kantorovich Method
Gusev A.A., Chuluunbaatar O., Vinitsky S.I., Derbov V.L.
The System of Hamilton Equations for the Modes of the Electromagnetic Field in a Stratified Isotropic Medium
Sevastianov L.A.
Quantum Field Theory Approach to the Analysis of One-Step Models
Eferina E.G., Korolkova A.V., Kulyabov D.S., Sevastyanov L.A.
Network Libraries of Computable Models as the Reactive Distributed Systems
Vorotyntsev A.V.
Discrete Modeling Using Stochastic Cellular Automata
Ershov N.M., Kravchuk A.V.
The Problem of Data Placement in Distributed Systems
Zhipa A.V.
On the properties of numerical solutions of dynamical systems obtained using the midpoint method
Gerdt V.P., Malykh M.D., Sevastianov L.A., Ying Y.
Solution of the Boundary-Value Problem for a Systems of ODEs of Large Dimension: Benchmark Calculations in the Framework of Kantorovich Method
Gusev A.A., Chuluunbaatar O., Vinitsky S.I., Derbov V.L.
Solving Systems of Linear Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients
Ahremenkov D.A., Lovetskiy K.P.
On Some Aspects of Information Analytical SystemConceptual Object-Oriented Multidimensional Metamodel Development
Viskov A.V.
0 - 0 of 58 Items > >> 

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