No 1 (2012)

Cover Page

Problem of Controllability of Nonlinear System of Special Type

Rozova V.N.


The arcticle is dedicated to investigation of nonlinear control system of special type controllability.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2012;(1):5-8
pages 5-8 views 309

Results on Simply-Continuous Functions

Al Bayati Jalal Hatem Hussein -.


In this paper, we introduce new classes of simply continuous functions as generalization of continuous function. We obtain their characterizations, their basic properties and their relationships with other forms of generalized continuous functions between topological spaces.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2012;(1):9-13
pages 9-13 views 443

Synthesis of Dynamical Systems, which Phase Portraits Contain Elementary Cells with a Prescribed Topological Structure. Part 1

Volkov S.V., Davydova M.A.


A method for construction of differential plane dynamical systems which phase portraits have elementary cells with a prescribed topological structure is presented. The solutions of such type inverse problems of differential equations theory may be used to obtain control over dynamical systems behavior.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2012;(1):14-23
pages 14-23 views 420

Mathematical Models of Time Series of Intensities of Network Traffic with Different Approaches to Their Creating

Gabdrakhmanov A.A., Gabdrakhmanova N.T.


In this article the possibility of application of artificial neural networks and autoregressive analysis to creating prediction models the channel with packet data transfer describes. The problem is solved using example time row measurement intensities on port edge switch. Algorithm of building autoregressive models based on statistical analysis of time row measurements. Algorithm of neural network model on the basis of the definition of fractal dimension of time rows was shown. Built models compared to current values entered criteria for evaluating the accuracy of the prediction.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2012;(1):24-33
pages 24-33 views 393

A Local and Semilocal Convergence of the Continuous Analogy of Newton's Method

Zhanlav T., Chuluunbaatar O.


In this paper, a region of convergence of the continuous analogy of Newton's method is defined and an optimal choice of the parameter t is proposed. For the damped Newton's method a global convergence is proved and error bounds are obtained. The damping strategies allow one to extend the convergence domain of the initial guesses. Several damping strategies were compared. Numerical examples are given and confirm the theoretical results.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2012;(1):34-43
pages 34-43 views 385

Using the Methods of the Image Processing in Computer Biology

Gostev I.M.


System of image processing of undermost biological object, to permit calculate their geometric parameters in process of morphogenesis was designed. We propose criterion on which base it is possible to calculate velocities of regenerations of the lost parts from ?at worms-planaria.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2012;(1):44-49
pages 44-49 views 930

Symplectic Integrators and the Problem of Wave Propagation in Layered Media

Gevorkyan M.N., Gladysheva J.V.


In this paper numerical methods that preserve the symplectic structure of the Hamiltonian systems are considered. Hamiltonian is constructed for the propagation of electromagnetic waves in a strati?ed medium without any sources. Hamilton's equations are solved using symplectic second-order Runge-Kutta method.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2012;(1):50-60
pages 50-60 views 425

Calculation of the Magnetic System by the Solution of Inverse Problem

Polyakova R.V., Yudin I.P.


In this paper we study the problem of searching for the design of the magnetic system for creation of a magnetic field with the required characteristics in the given area. On the basis of analysis of the mathematical model of the magnetic system rather a general approach is proposed to the solving of the inverse problem, which was written by the Fredholm equation: H(z) = ? SJ(s)G(z,s)ds, z ? U, s ? S. It was necessary to define the current density distribution function J(s) and the existing winding geometry for creation of a required magnetic field H(z). In the paper a method of solving those by means of regularized iterative processes is proposed. On the base of the concrete magnetic system we perform the numerical study of influence of different factors on the character of the magnetic field being designed.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2012;(1):61-69
pages 61-69 views 501

On Some Noncanonical Relations of Spinors to Scalars and of the Klein-Gordon and Dirac Equations

Kassandrov V.V., Markova N.V.


We discuss various aspects of noncanonical interpretation of the problem of Lorentz invariance for the Dirac equation suggested by A. Zommerfeld in 1951. In its framework, Dirac field is treated as a quartet of scalar fields whereas spinors do not arise in the theory at all. Then we present principal results of one of the authors' 2007 paper, in which scalar Klein-Gordon fields are treated as potentials for the solutions of Dirac equation, and not as an independent field. The Dirac field then manifests itself as a gauge invariant entity.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2012;(1):70-76
pages 70-76 views 326

Interference Holoellipsometry "in situ" of a Transparent Two-Dimensional Uniaxial Crystal at Normal Angle Laser Radiation Reflection

Ali M., Kachurin Y.Y., Kiryanov A.P., Ryjova T.A., Shapkarin I.P.


The following issues are considered in the paper: a) method of the in situ interference holoellipsometry (ellipsometry with the complete set of measured parameters: modules and phases of complex amplitude reflection coefficients for linear p- and s-polarizations) of a transparent two-dimensional uniaxial crystal at normal reflection angle of the laser radiation under the condition that the crystal optical axis belongs to the reflecting surface; b) schematic of the holoellipsometer realizing the method and employing the Michelson interferometer with phase modulation of the radiation.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2012;(1):77-84
pages 77-84 views 347

Fourier Analysis of Interferograms Formed by Surface-Plasmons Generated by Terahertz Synchrotron Radiation

Zhizhin G.N., Kyrianov A.P., Golovtsov N.I., Khitrov O.V., Nikitin A.K.


The problem of Fourier analysis of interferograms formed in terahertz (THz) synchrotron parallel beams, one of which is produced by surface plasmons (SPs) running along the surface of a conducting sample placed in one of the Mach-Zehnder interferometer arms, is considered in the paper. It is demonstrated that the analytical procedure employing the complete Fourier transform of the interferograms, got while scanning the movable mirror in the reference arm and registered at two distances run by the SPs, enables one to obtain the THz SPs complex refractive index spectrum and thus - the spectrum of the sample complex dielectric permittivity. Employment of a synchrotron source in SPs Fourier spectrometers raises the signal to noise ratio as compared to the blackbody emitter by a factor of 108 and facilitates the calibration procedure as synchrotron radiation intensity is in direct proportion to its frequency.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2012;(1):85-95
pages 85-95 views 353

Maxwell's Equations in Arbitrary Coordinate System

Kulyabov D.S., Korolkova A.V., Korolkov V.I.


The article is devoted to application of tensorial formalism for derivation of different types of Maxwell's equations. The Maxwell's equations are written in the covariant coordinate-free and the covariant coordinate forms. Also the relation between vectorial and tensorial formalisms and differential operators for arbitrary holonomic coordinate system in coordinate form is given. The results obtained by tensorial and vectorial formalisms are verified in cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2012;(1):96-106
pages 96-106 views 434

Electronic Device for Computer Data Acquisition from Multichannel Analyzer AI-1024

Kushnarenko I.V., Chuprov D.V.


Electronic device for computer data acquisition from multichannel analyzer AI-1024 are described. Standard digital recorder interface of AI-1024 is used to connect to serial port of computer. Full communication time is about three seconds. Synchronization details are considered.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2012;(1):107-109
pages 107-109 views 325

Features of Temperature Dependence of Effective Refractive Index of TE1 and TM1 Modes in Optical Sol-Gel Waveguides over a Wide Temperature Range

Nikolaev N.E., Pavlov S.V., Trofimov N.S., Chekhlova T.K.


Temperature dependences of effective refractive index on the parameters of the sol-gel film are obtained. The differences of temperature characteristics of sol-gel waveguides for TE and TM modes are found and explained. Features of temperature dependence of effective refractive index at high temperatures are revealed and interpreted.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2012;(1):110-116
pages 110-116 views 538

Analytical Information System Conceptual Object-Oriented Multidimensional Metamodel Implementation

Viskov A.V., Fomin M.B.


Multidimensional approach to the creation of analytical information systems allows to organize information in a convenient form for analysis. Object-oriented approach provides essential advantages in domain modeling. In the article it is offered to use this principles while implementing a multi-dimensional metamodel.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2012;(1):117-121
pages 117-121 views 358

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Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2012;(1):122-123
pages 122-123 views 253