Vol 24, No 4 (2019)


The narrative structure in the N. Abgaryan trilogy “Manyunya”

Kikhney L.G., Osipova O.I.


The narrative structure of a modern autobiographical novel is being studied in the article based on the N. Abgaryan trilogy “Manyunya”. It is noted that in general the above autobiographical genre retains constant features. The latter include the techniques of creation of the chronotype, creation the embodiment of the image of the character, the prototype of whom is the author of the novel. But the transformation of genre is quite evident in the structure of the narration changes, which includes the implicit dialogue with reader. It is shown that the novel is characterized by the narrative experiments: the narrator maybe both inside and outside the world of character. The specifi c nature of narration is also characterized by the ironic modus in the novel trilogy. It is proved that the irony of the author does not aim at mocking the described events. It refers to a language game that engages readers into this game with the meanings contexts set by the author. The mentioned style of narrative plays an important role in readership and makes the autobiographical narrative innovation.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2019;24(4):607-615
pages 607-615 views

From Kyzyl to Paris: the geopoetics of the modern psycho logical novel (“Rain in Paris” by R. Senchin)

Nichiporov I.B.


The article is devoted to the discussion of modern literary material - R. Senchin’s novel “Rain in Paris” (2018) as a phenomenon of realistic prose. Considered the features of the “novel of a generation”, a variety of geopoetics works, its regional discourses, connecting the distant spatial and sociohistorical plans - from Kyzyl, city of Tuva, to close to the border with Ukraine Bobrov in Voronezh Oblast, Estonia and Paris, the days of being in which involve the central character into the painful process of self-refl ection and reappraisal. Connection of geopoetics with the image of consciousness of the central character and change of historical epochs is traced. In the fi eld of artistic vision of the author of the novel fall tectonic shifts of the 1980s-2010s both in the space of the personal fate of the 40-year-old “hero of time” and his peers, and in the sphere of public life.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2019;24(4):616-624
pages 616-624 views

Intertexts of fairy tales by Nikolai Verevochkin “Draw Me a Golden Heart”

Dzholdasbekova B.U., Shanayev R.U.


The article attempts to consider the story of Nikolai Verevochkin “Draw Me a Golden Heart” as a literary fairy tale in order to reveal the intertextual links of this work with the “Little Prince” of Antoine de Saint-Exupery, “Blue Star” of A.I. Kuprin, “The Old Woman Isergil” of M. Gorky. The main attention is paid to the analysis and interpretation of functions of references and allusions, borrowings and other forms of intertext. According to the authors of the article, the fairy tale “Draw Me a Golden Heart” is created in a postmodern manner, the narrator on the principle of mise en abyme creates a diff erent world in which live his characters and the narrator himself, freely moving in space and time. The article also considers the points of contact of N. Verevochkin’s fairy tale with the tales of H.C. Andersen, A.I. Kuprin, M. Gorky in order to determine the common purpose of the works of these writers.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2019;24(4):625-632
pages 625-632 views

A. Zhaksylykov’s novel “Singing Stones” in aspect of the literary domain theory

Valikova O.A., Bakhtikireeva U.M.


The authors of the article believe that the symbolic systems to which the language belongs form structured databases in a certain way - domains that develop according to specifi c rules and aff ect the culture of a language community. According to the hypothesis of the research presented in the paper, Russian-language literature is a special cultural domain generated by the ethnogenetic (in this case, Kazakh) and canonical (Russian) fi elds of culture. It was found that at the crossroads of cultures - and literatures - a new aesthetic phenomenon is being formed, which modern literary criticism has yet to describe. The main objectives of the study included interpretation of the text by the method of hermeneutic commentary, elimination of linguocultural lacunae, and complex poetic analysis. The research material was the fi rst pentalogy novel by A. Zhaksylykov “Dreams of the Damned” - “Singing Stones”. The authors conclude that modern Russian literature gravitates not so much to the Russian (in the strict sense of the term) language fi eld as to the Russophonic or translingual fi eld, using the term by professor Steven Kellman.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2019;24(4):633-648
pages 633-648 views

The mythologem “Home” in the art discourse of Tatar and Chuvash literatures

Abasheva D.V., Sharyafetdinov R.K.


Comparative study of the cultures of the Volga region folks leads researchers to conclusions characterizing the centuries-old interaction of peoples, which resulted in the formation of unique artistic systems of the Tatar and Chuvash nations. The article considers the functioning of the mythologeme “Home” in the Chuvash and Tatar literatures and determines its fundamental importance both in classical and modern works (end of 20 - begining of 21 century). The authors analyze the poetic meanings (motif of memory, happiness, faith, life, etc.) and identify the most frequent values (native speech, a symbol of security, wealth, beauty and peace), that combine in their understanding the idea of Home in the Chuvash and Tatar cultures. The mythologem “Home” in Tatar and Chuvash literatures is related to the problems of works and refl ects the mentality of the people.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2019;24(4):649-659
pages 649-659 views

Axiological archetype “Home” in I. Shukhov autobiographic trilogy “Presnov Pages”

Sinyachkin V.P., Demchenko A.S.


The article is de voted to the reconstruction of the archety pe “Home” based on the material of the biographical trilogy by I. Shukhov “Presnov Pages”. The authors conclude that archetypes can be identical to axiological units, as they transmit information about the value attitudes of a community. The “Presnov Pages” trilogy is distinguished by a mnemonic narrative, which is characterized by a special accentuation of meanings. The authors use comparative analysis and hermeneutic commentary, concluding that the archetype “Home” is key to Shukhov’s work.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2019;24(4):660-669
pages 660-669 views

Internaliterary synthesis as genre-forming factor in the story of S. Georgievskaya “Love and Cybernetic”

Chelyukanova O.N.


The article is devoted to the analysis of the stylistic role in intraliterary synthesis which is represented in the story “Love and Cybernetics’’ by S. Georgievskaya. The author of the article shows how as a result of synthesis is organically merged with prosaic content, on the one hand, and content organized according to the principles of lyrical poetry, on the other. The lyration of the prose by S. Georgievskaya is facilitated by the author’s appeal to the possibilities of artistic synthesis. The poetry world of S. Georgievskaya is characterized by a kind of interpenetrability of diff erent genre structures, in a number of which one of the essential places belongs to fairy tale modality. The appeal to the genre canon of the fairy tale reveals the mythopoetic foundations of her lyrical thinking, susceptibility to archetypical images-symbols. The author of the article notes that the story sees the features of a dramatic kind of literature: the emphasis is primarily on action, external and internal-spiritual, and hence - some artifi cial note of what is happening. The author of the article comes to the conclusion that S. Georgievskaya successfully manages to use intraliterary synthesis which is refl ected the plot, composition, the choice of characters, the sequence of motifs and themes.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2019;24(4):670-680
pages 670-680 views

“The Kashmir poems” of Qudsi Mashhadi (1582-1646): the problem of genre definition

Akimushkina E.O.


In the Persian poetry of the postclassical period one can fi nd a signifi cant number of relatively little studied works, which are dedicated to Kashmir, a region located in the north-west of the Indian subcontinent. At present, there is no consensus in Iranian studies regarding the genre defi nition of “Kashmir poems”, which led to consider this problem in detail. The author of the article made an attempt to identify the genre of “the Kashmir poems”, written by Qudsi Mashhadi, whose works have never drawn interest of Russian scholars. Upon analyzing the main motifs and topics of Qudsi’s poems, the author come to the conclusion that they refer to descriptive poetry, and the descriptive motifs are placed either in the context of praise or complaints. The genetic basis of such poems is mainly formed by descriptive, panegyric and calendar poetry. It should be pointed out, that Qudsi’s “Kashmir poems” don’t go back to the shahrashub genre. The presence of similar motifs in “the Kashmir poems” of Qudsi and poems, belonging to the shahrashub genre, indicates that the motifs were transferred from genre to genre - from the shahrashub genre to the genre of description ( vasf ) or from object to object (from the description of cities to the description of regions and vice versa), which refl ects the very essence of the transformation of motifs within the framework of the canonical type of artistic creativity. The analysis has also shown that the term “ bucolic ” doesn’t correspond to the genre nature of Qudsi’s “Kashmir poems”. The study of the genesis and evolution of such poems is intended to contribute to the reconstruction of formation of Persian landscape lyrics of the XIXth century.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2019;24(4):681-690
pages 681-690 views

Comparative Studies

The image of a dragon in the poetry of N. Gumilev: Chinese subtext

Porol P.V.


The article discusses the image of a dragon in the poetry of N. Gumilev. New in the work is the hypothesis on the intertextuality of the poems by N. Gumilyov “The Poem of the Begining” and A. Tolstoyʼs “Dragon”. The Chinese subtext of the image of the dragon in the poetry of N. Gumilev is grounded. The relevance of the topic is due to the development of the study of the mutual perception of Russian and Chinese cultures in the space of a poetic text. At the same time, the problem of reception of the image of China in the poetry of the Silver Age remains not yet fully understood. The objectives of the study were to identify, describe and interpret the Chinese subtext of the image of the dragon in the poetry of N. Gumilev; consideration of the authorʼs reception; comparing the perception of the image of the dragon in the culture of Russia and China. The results of the study showed: the frequency of the image of the dragon in the poetry of N. Gumilyov, the poet’s use of this image as originally Chinese; the relationship of the description of the image of the dragon in the works of N. Gumilyov and A. Tolstoy; the poet’s appeal to Chinese mythology and hieroglyphic writing. The author’s reasoning and conclusions are based on critical research, a comparison of two cultures. An analysis of the poetic works of N. Gumilev was carried out in a semantic aspect using the method of text parallels. The study of the image of the dragon in the poetry of N. Gumilev allows to approach the worldview of the culture of the Silver Age on one more side.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2019;24(4):691-703
pages 691-703 views

Contemporary Chinese poetry and Russian modernist and postmodernist poetry: influence and analogy

Wang Y., Vinogradova O.V.


For the last thirty years, Chinese poetry mostly has been well-known for three schools, namely: “Misty Poetry”, “Intellectual Writing”, and “Folk Writing”. Russian poets of diff erent periods were among those who had a notable impact on the works of Chinese poets. Russian lyric poets praising freedom, love, and relationships with nature became the main source of inspiration for “misty” poets. “Intellectual” poets felt their being close to the Russian Silver Age poets: A. Akhmatova, A. Blok, B. Pasternak, M. Tsvetaeva. Their poems include examples of direct addressing to them. “Folk” poets created an enormous and diverse area of postmodernist poetic texts, which is in sync with Russian poets of postmodernism. In the fi rst part of the article, the authors review the contemporary Russian poetry, in particular the “second avant-garde” poetry, in relation with the contemporary Chinese poetry that was “moved in time” for some decades, but came across the same processes of rising and the dialogue with society (sometimes provocative), with the world poetry, processes of introspection and experimental search. The second part of the article deals with the aspects of infl uence, made by Russian poets of different periods upon Chinese poetry, and with the issues of further development of contemporary Chinese poetry.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2019;24(4):704-712
pages 704-712 views

Kiev as an artistic toponym in “The Song of Igor’s Campaign” and the Chinese translations

Wang Y.


The article explores the toponym “Kiev” as an universal center of the space - time organization of “The Song of Igor’s Campaign”. The capital city of Ancient Russia is mentioned in 10 episodes, in each of which it appears in the symbolic incarnation of a certain political slogan or poetic hyperbole. The study analyzes and compares the image of Kiev, displayed in the original text of “The Song”, its translations into Chinese, and commentaries by Wei Huangnu and Li Xiyin, who discovered the artistic value of the ancient Russian masterpiece to Chinese philologists and a wide circle of readers.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2019;24(4):713-720
pages 713-720 views


“The News Weekly”: a case study of the Soviet foreign propaganda magazine missing in action

Kotelenets E.A., Lavrenteva M.Y.


The article is devoted to the magazine “News”, which was launched to print in the USSR in English language in 1951 and was distributed in 80 countries by Stalin’s decision. The relevance of the work is due to the fact that this media, which played a prominent role in Soviet foreign policy propaganda, is currently not known even to specialists, and there is no scientifi c studies on this magazine. The study of information warfare technologies is important in analysing their methods in the period of their formation. Of particular importance are the studies of little-known Soviet foreign policy propaganda media, one of which is the magazine “News”. It was closed by a secret resolution of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU in late 1956 as a ‘publication that has exhausted its tasks.’ Sources are original copies of “News” in English and archival documents of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the USSR Foreign Ministry, the Council of Ministers of the USSR, declassifi ed after 1991, many of which are introduced into scientifi c circulation for the fi rst time.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2019;24(4):721-731
pages 721-731 views

Features of publicizing of ecological disaster in the Armyansk in 2018 in Russian and Ukrainian media

Cherepanova T.V., Aleksandrova A.A.


During natural and other types of disasters, our society has an acute need of reliable information which will reveal the essence of the threat in a timely manner, relieve panic tensions and mobilise society for survival in diffi cult conditions. In such conditions the mass media are called upon to play an informative role - their main goal is to reduce the level of uncertainty. However, often in extreme situations, the media become sources of false and biased information submitted out of time. As a result, the fl ow of rumors and false assumptions is growing - that contributes to the spread of public panic and loss of media confi dence. Analysis of the media work on the coverage of the environmental disaster that occurred in August 2018 in the Crimean city of Armyansk will reveal the shortcomings and diffi culties in the work of the media and will provide an opportunity to develop an eff ective strategy for information support of acute tragic events which aff ect large populations in order to reduce the destructive eff ects.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2019;24(4):732-743
pages 732-743 views

Society and people diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder: an analysis of message descriptors of social media

Vazhenina O.A., Lobodenko L.K.


The authors investigate the process of humanization of society in relation to people with autism spectrum disorders and its relationship with the reception of problems of this category of population by society. The authors based on the descriptors of messages in social media published in the digital media space. The article reveals the relationship between the content of messages in social media, as well as the tools of this type of media and the overall degree of humanization of society at both social and political levels. The typological features of such a social media tool as a hashtag, when covering the problems of people with autism spectrum disorders, as well as the impact of these features on the reception of messages on this topic by both domestic and English-speaking users are noted.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2019;24(4):744-755
pages 744-755 views

Three faces of Trickster in modern politics: Donald Trump, Alexey Navalny and Julian Assange

Chernenko J.A.


Concerning current situation and media ecology actors of political communication should be fl exible to adapt their PR strategies to the fl uid agenda and mosaic thinking of their audience. The following article aims to describe one of the most multi-faceted archetypes used in political communications - the archetype of Trickster. Using the method of case study, the author argues that concerning information society and digital culture Trickster gains better opportunities to hold a successful PR campaign and to build a solid political image. The author describes the following archetype with the address to three fi gures of international and Russian politics that appear in agenda in 2010-2018: Donald Trump, Alexey Navalny, and Julian Assange. Using the notions of narrative politics and theory of archetypes, the author concludes vast potential of Trickster archetype in modern political communications, that can be even stronger than the traditional images of Hero or Wise Ruler. The author assumes that Trickster fi gure in modern politics became wider than classical image of Fool and Jester and now is also widely used in the aspects of “noble thug” and Shaman.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2019;24(4):756-764
pages 756-764 views

Cyberprotest: new media and the new social movement in Indonesia

Muqsith M.A., Muzykant V.L., Kuzmenkova K.E.


This paper aims to write the phenomenon of cyberprotest through new media in Indonesia. The development of new media caused changes in the pattern of social movements. This paper tries to explain how the design campaign of activists of the National Coalition to Rejects The Draft Bill of Music (RNTL RUUP) initiated by the Government of Indonesia. They consider this Draft Bill of Music will threaten freedom of expression in music in the future. Activists mobilized the protest movement through the #TolakRUUPermusikan and #Bersama BatalkanRUUPermusikan through online petitions, websites, Instagram, and Twitter.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2019;24(4):765-775
pages 765-775 views


In the cir cle of students and like-minded people: to the 90th anniversary of L.A. Kolobaeva: review of the collective monograph “From Chekhov to Brodsky: Aesthetic and Philosophical Aspects of Russian Literature of the 20th Century”. Moscow: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 2019. 240 p.

Chelyukanova O.N., Kovalenko A.G.


The review touches upon the problems, which are formulated and solved by the group of authors in the scientifi c study “From Chekhov to Brodsky: Aesthetic and Philosophical Aspects of Russian Literature of the 20th Century”. The importance of scientifi c research, originality, well-based arguments of the authors position, the value and novelty of material are underlined in the review.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2019;24(4):776-781
pages 776-781 views

Wonderful Man: to the Professor V.M. Berezin anniversary

Grabelnikov A.A.


The article is dedicated to the 80th birthday of Doctor of Philology, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, Professor V.M. Berezina (1939-2016). He devoted twenty years of his life to training journalistic personnel at RUDN University. Valery Matveevich is one of the organizers of the RUDN Publishing House. He was the editor-in-chief of the journal “Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia”, which was published in Russian and English. Also V.M. Berezin is the author of the fi rst photojournalism textbook in our country.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2019;24(4):782-787
pages 782-787 views

What about all that “change in journalism studies” fuss?

Algavi L.O.


The article is a critical review of the materials of a special issue of Journalism (SAGE Publications, Q1). The issue devoted to academic research in the fi eld of journalism studies, there are scientists from Denmark, Great Britain, Australia, Canada and other countries among the authors of the special issue.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2019;24(4):788-794
pages 788-794 views

On the first English translation of Sasha Sokolov’s novel “Between Dog and Wolf”

Zakharyan A.A.


The article is devoted to the analysis of the main problems and challenges (as well as their solutions) of the fi rst English translation of the novel “Between Dog and Wolf” written by Sasha Sokolov in 1980. For a few decades this novel had no English translation, until the work of Alexander Boguslawski, Sokolov’s friend and translator. In this article we analyze and summarize the diffi culties of this text for translation and the ways Boguslawski solved them, based on his own experience that he shared in the fi rst English edition of the novel: “Between Dog and Wolf”. Columbia University Press, 2016. 296 p. (Russian Library).

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2019;24(4):795-799
pages 795-799 views


“Mayak” (1964-2019) in history and modernity: fragments of the chronicle of the VII Ruzhnikov Readings

Tikhonova O.V.


The VII Ruzhnikov Readings, the annual scientifi c round table, took place at the Faculty of Journalism at Lomonosov Moscow State University on September 26, 2019. The fi rst time it were initiated in 2013 by the Associate Professor of the Department of Television and Radio Broadcasting O.V. Tikhonova in memory of Professor V.N. Ruzhnikov, a well-known theorist and historian of Russian radio journalism, author of many scientifi c publications. Based on the materials of the Ruzhnikov Readings, many scientifi c publications were published

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2019;24(4):800-805
pages 800-805 views

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