Phonetic and stylistics database of OF Smerdyakov's discourse




Various peculiarities of phonetic analysis in communicative stylistics of text are disclosed in the present report. The subject of the report is the experience of the examination of the oral speech of Smerdyakov. The article contains the results of research of phonetic database of Smerdyakov along with the influence of his social status.


H Lugowska

Pridnestrovskij State University

Кафедра функциональной лингвистики; Приднестровский государственный университет; Pridnestrovskij State University


  1. Караулов Ю.Н. Русский язык и языковая личность. - М., 1987.
  2. Достоевский Ф.М. Братья Карамазовы. - Кишинев: Картя Молдовеняскэ, 1984.

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