Review of Eleonora Esposito. 2021. Politics, Ethnicity and the Postcolonial Nation: A Сritical Analysis of Political Discourse in the Caribbean. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins




Yuqing Feng

Beijing Foreign Studies University

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5949-7013

PhD student at the School of English and International Studies, Beijing Foreign Studies University. Her research interests include cognitive linguistics, discourse analysis and functional linguistics.

Beijing, China


  1. De Cillia, Rudolf, Martin Reisigl & Ruth Wodak. 1999. The discursive construction of national identities. Discourse and Society 10 (2). 149-173
  2. Kress, Gunther & Theo van Leeuwen. 2006. Reading Images: The Grammar of Visual Design (2nd еd-n). New York: Routledge
  3. Reisigl, Martin & Ruth Wodak. 2015. The discourse-historical approach. In Ruth Wodak & Michael Meyer (eds.), Methods of Critical Discourse Analysis (3rd revised ed-n), 23-61. London: SAGE
  4. Wodak, Ruth, Rudolf de Cillia, Martin Reisigl & Karin Liebhart. 2009. The Discursive Construction of National Identity (2nd revised ed-n). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press

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