Review of Rodney Jones (ed.). 2021. Viral Discourse Cambridge Elements in Applied Linguistics Cambridge University Press. ISBNs: 9781108986625 (PB), 9781108986465 (OC)






Saleh Al-Salman

Applied Science Private University

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0103-1330

Professor of Linguistics, former Dean and Chair of the English Department. He has been involved in the teaching of language, linguistics, and translation at the under-graduate and post-graduate levels. He received Fulbright and DAAD Research Fellowships in 1996 and 2002, respectively. He is a published writer and member of the editorial boards of specialized and refereed research journals. His research interests include theoretical and applied linguistics, semantics, pragmatics and translation studies

21 Al Arab st., Amman, Jordan, 11931


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