Review of Breeze, Ruth and Carmen Llamas Saíz (eds.). 2020. Metaphor in political conflict. Populism and discourse. Navarra: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra (EUNSA). ISBN 978-84-313-3467-3






Carmen Maíz-Arévalo

Complutense University of Madrid

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0035-5296

obtained her PhD in English Linguistics in 2001. She has worked at the department of English Linguistics at the Complutense University of Madrid since 2006, where she currently holds a position of Associate Professor. She teaches Pragmatics, TEFL Methodology and Intercultural Studies. With regard to her research interests, her fields are pragmatics, intercultural pragmatics and computer-mediated communication. She has published many articles and given numerous talks in national and international conferences in these fields.

Ciudad Universitaria s/n 28040 Madrid, Spain


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