已经提交: 05.05.2020


Anna Wierzbicka

Australian National University


Message 1

It is good for all of us if we think like this every day now:

This time is not like other times

Very bad things are happening to many people now.

Very bad things are happening to many people’s bodies because of the coronavirus,

many people are dying because of this.

More people can die if I do some things now as I have always done. I don’t want this.

Because of this it will be good if I can be at home all the time.

If I have to be not at home for some time, I will think like this all the time:

I don’t want to be near other people; I don’t want to be so near someone

that I can touch them.

I don’t want to be so near someone that I can breathe some of the same air.


Message 2

It is good for all of us if we think like this every day now:

This time is not like other times.

Very bad things are happening to many people now.

Many people feel something very very bad.

I can do some good things for some of these people;

I want to do something good for them.

I want to know what I can do; I want to think about it today;

I want to do something today.


Message 3


It is good for all of us if we think like this every day now:

This time is not like other times.

During this time many people can’t be with other people as before.

They can’t speak to other people like before; many people feel something very bad

because of this.

I know some of these people. I want these people to know that I am thinking about them.

I want them to know that I don’t want bad things to happen to them.

I want to do something because of this.

Perhaps I can write to them, perhaps I can ring them, something like this;

I want to do something today.


Message 4


It is good for all of us if we think like this every day now:

This time is not like other times.

Very bad things can happen to me during this time, not like at other times.

At the same time, I can do some very good things during this time, not like at other times.

I can do many things “good for the soul”, not like at other times.

I can read books, listen to music, write something every day about this day, things like that.

If I pray, I can pray more; If I don’t pray, I can do something like it.

I can look at the stars at night, I can look at the sky when the sun is rising, things like that.

I want to do these things. I want to do these things today.


Message 5


It is good for all of us if we think like this every day now:

This time is not like other times.

I don’t want to think about it like this:

“ Very bad things are happening now, nothing good can happen because of this”.

I want to think like this:

I can do some very good things during this time, not like at other times.

If I do these things, after this bad time I can be not as I was before:

I can know some people better, I can love some people more.

I want this.


Message 6


It is good for all of us if we think like this every day now:

This time is not like other times.

I can’t live during this time as I lived before.

At the same time, I can think about many things more, not as before.

I can think more about things like this:

Why do I live on earth? What do I live for? How can I live if I want to live well?

If I know that I will die soon, what do I want to do before I die?

If I think about these things more now, after this bad time I can live not as I lived before.

I can then live in another way, I can live better.

I want this.


Message 7


It is good for all of us if we think like this every day now:

This time is not like other times.

We can’t live during this time as we lived before.

At the same time, we can think about some things more now, not as before.

We can think about things like this:

“We all live with other people, none of us is like an island.

How can we live well with other people?”

We can think about the earth; we can think like this:

We live on earth now, many people will live on earth after us.

We don’t want very bad things to happen to these people.

If we think about these things more now,

after this bad time we can live not like before; we can live better.

We want this.


Canberra, Australia

