

是否已经在Russian Journal of Linguistics里有了一个帐户?






在向编辑部门提交手稿时,作者应遵循以下条款,这些条款符合俄罗斯以及国际协会组织要求,包括 COPE (出版道德委员会)、ORI (研究诚信办公司)、CSE (科学编辑委员会)、EASE (欧洲科学编辑协会)、ANRI (科学编辑和出版商协会) 等机构以及高级认证委员会的条款和规则。

  1. 原稿

1.1. 初稿正文(原创研究、概述),包括表格和参考文献,字数是7000-9000字。正文的字数可以通过Word菜单("文件"-"查看文档属性"-"统计")查询。如果文章超出标准,则根据审稿人建议,在编辑委会会议上进行讨论,得出决议。

1.2. 稿件的文本格式。文本应使用Windows中包含的字体,如果有其他字体要求,应将字体与文章一起发送给编辑部。正文字体为Times New Roman,字体大小为12,行距为1.5倍。首行缩进2厘米。例子用斜体或黑体,禁止使用下划线。所有重复的空格和多余换行必须从文本中删除(可使用Microsoft Word的 "查找和替换 "服务)。

1.3. 上传到提交表格中的稿件文本应包含所有的出版信息(包括数字和表格)。

1.4. 补充文件: 附件、作者简介 (说明研究方向和主要出版物的俄文和英文清单)。

1.5. 稿件语言。可接受俄文或英文文章。



2. 初稿结构


2.1. 俄文摘要

作者可以独立编写俄语元数据。 如果文章获得批准,您可以联系期刊编辑部,寻求将元数据翻译成俄语的帮助。

  • 文章标题。文章标题应充分反映出文章的主题和专题,以及作者为展开该专题所设定的主要目标(问题)。
  • 作者。 作者姓名格式: 应在名字和父称的首字母后面注明姓氏。(P.S. Ivanov, S.I. Petrov, I.P. Sidorov)。
  • 作者简介。应提供工作单位的正式全称(无缩写)。单位名称后应加逗号,并注明城市、国家名称。如果来自不同单位的作者参与了稿件的撰写,需在单位名称前和相应作者名称后加上大写的数字索引,使单位名称与作者名称相匹配。
  • 摘要(250字左右)应简短且明确阐述研究问题、相关性、目的、材料和方法、主要结果和结论等。
  • 关键词。不超过5-6个有助于文章在搜索中的关键词。

2.2. 英文摘要

  • 英文标题除在语法表达上无误还应与俄文标题完全对应。
  • 作者姓名应按外国护照上书写,或与以前在外国期刊上发表的文章相同的方式书写。首次发表文章且没有外国护照的作者应参照BSI音译标准进行转写(见下文)。
  • 作者简介。应提供单位的官方英文名称。最完整的单位名称列表及其官方版本可在RUNEB网站 eLibrary.ru  上找到。
  • 摘要:英文版本的摘要应具有与俄文版本相同的内容和结构(目的、材料和方法、结果、结论),字数为200-250字(对于原创论文,摘要简化不超过200-250字的内容)。
  • 关键字。应指定关键词6至8个关键词,以便文章在对文章进行检索,关键词应在俄语和英语中互相对应。

2.3. 文章正文(俄文或英文)应按以下标题结构进行划分:









2.4. 补充信息(俄文、英文)在文章正文之后、参考文献列表之前提供:

  • 关于利益冲突的声明。作者应提前说明与稿件有关的潜在和明显的利益冲突。利益冲突可以是任何可能影响稿件作者并导致隐瞒、歪曲或改变数据解释的情况(财务关系、在与所发表材料有财务或政治利益的机构中服务或就业、工作职责等)。一个或多个存在利益冲突并不是拒绝发表文章的理由。编辑委员如若发现作者方面隐瞒潜在和明显的利益冲突,将会是拒绝审查和发表稿件的理由。
  • 经费信息。应说明研究工作和文章出版过程中的(基金会、商业或公共组织、私人等)经费信息。经费金额不需要具体说明。
  • 致谢。作者可以对那些为在本刊发表文章做出贡献的人和组织表示感谢,但他们不是稿件作者。
  • 每位研究者的贡献信息(及在 "致谢" 下所列的作者。例如:
    作者参与:Ivanov I.I. - 概念和研究设计;Petrov P.P. - 数据收集和处理;Sidorov S.S. - 数据分析,文本撰写。



2.6. 《参考文献目录》中引用文献的书目记录的格式




缩写(或以其他方式任意改变)文章和期刊的标题是禁止的。英文期刊的标题可以使用官方缩写(!)。可以使用CAS Source Index来源索引、WorldCat 图书馆和Web of Science(ISI)目录来查找正确的缩写期刊标题。如果找不到官方缩写,则需列出期刊的全称。

  • DOI,在被引用的材料具有数字对象标识符(DOI)的情况下,必须在书目参考的末尾指定。。请在http://search.crossref.org/https://www.citethisforme.com 查询资料的DOI。要获得DOI,您需要在搜索框中输入英文源名称。。第二个网站除了DOI之外,还自动生成一个格式正确的英文书目描述,采用AMA的引文风格。2000年以来的绝大多数外国期刊文章和许多俄语文章(2013年后出版)都在CrossRef系统中注册,并有一个独特的DOI。




2.7. 联系方式


  • 姓名 (全称)
  • 学历、学位、职位、工作单位和单位全称(主要工作地点)。
  • 工作地址(含邮政编码和国家)、电子邮件地址、工作电话(含区号)、手机号码(方便与作者商议学术文章事宜,该信息不会被泄露)。
  • ORCID标识符(详情见此:http://orcid.org/)。
  • 专业研究方向,主要出版物列表

作者 - 通讯标识 (*)


3. 表格

4. 插图

Fig. 1: Dynamics of indicators of studied processes

  • 使用MS Office工具绘制的插图(图形、图表、方案、图画)应具有对比性和清晰性。插图应在一个单独的文件中制作,并保存为图像(*.jpeg、*.bmp、*.gif格式),然后作为固定图放在稿件文件中。在手稿文件中插入的图上放置任何元素(箭头、标题)都是不可接受的,因为在编辑和排版阶段,这些元素很可能会丢失。
  • 照片、或截图和其他非绘图的插图不仅要插入稿件的正文中,而且还需在在文章投稿附件中单独上传*.jpeg、*.bmp、*.gif文件(*.doc和*.docx--在图像上有附加标记的情况下)。图片分辨率必须大于300dpi。图片文件的名称必须与文本中的图号相对应。在文件描述中应包括一个单独的标题,该标题应与文本中的图片名称相对应     

如果稿件中包含以前在其他出版物上发表的数据(即使其元素已从外语翻译成俄语),作者必须向编辑部提供版权所有者的许可,以便在其他期刊上发表该图片(正确标明相应期刊),否则将被视为抄袭(详见 "科学出版物的道德规范")。

5. 缩略语

6. 道德准则

参照 一 下网页内容

  1. 附属文件



Сведения об авторе

 关于作者个人信息: (70-100字,必须包括以下信息)

  • 姓名
  • 学历
  • 职位
  • 部门简介
  • 高校(工作单位)
  •  研究方向
  • 联系方式;


Bionote (70-100字,必须包括以下信息)

  • First name (no patronymic)
  • Last name (surname)
  • Academic degree
  • Position
  • Department
  • Affiliation
  • Research interests
  • Contact information: e-mail





  • 文中无抄袭行为。作者需保证文章的全部或部分内容之前从未发表过,也未曾在其他出版物上考虑或正在投稿。如果该稿件之前曾提交给其他出版物审议,但未被接受出版请务必在附件中注明,否则,编辑委员会误解稿件检索的结果,从而拒绝接收稿件。

  • 正确的格式。提交的稿件文件需是Microsoft Word或RTF格式 - *.doc, *.docx, *.rtf。稿件的格式符合本刊官方网站的基本要求(见此)。




The right of authorship belongs to the authors of articles. The authors transfer the rights to use the article (including the use and distribution of an article in the Open Access) to the publisher of the journal on a non-exclusive license (Publishing Agreement (Public Offer)). At the same time, authors remain full rightsholders.

Publishing Agreement (Public Offer) to Publish an Article in an Academic Periodical
'Russian Journal of Linguistics'

The Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba” (RUDN University), represented by the Vice-Rector for Scientific Work Andrey Aleksandrovich Kostin, acting under a Power of Attorney No 0036-03/21-163 dated 12.10.2021, hereinafter referred to as the Publisher, on the one hand, hereby offers to the public at large, hereinafter referred to as the Author, on the other hand, hereinafter collectively referred to as the Parties, to enter into this agreement, hereinafter referred to as the Agreement, regarding publication of scholarly materials, hereinafter referred to as the Article, in the Journal named 'Russian Journal of Linguistics', hereinafter referred to as the Journal, under the following terms.

1. General Terms and Conditions

1.1. Pursuant to Clause 2 of the Article 437 of the Russian Federation Civil Code, this Agreement shall be recognized as the public offer, hereinafter referred to as the Offer. Subject to Article 438 of the Russian Federation Civil Code, this Offer shall be deemed to have been completely and irrevocably accepted after the Author had submitted his/her materials by uploading those onto the network electronic system of the article acquisition for review available at the respective section of the Journal's site at URL: http://journals.rudn.ru/index.php/linguistics/author/submit/1 on the Information and Communication Network known as the Internet, hereinafter referred to as the Internet.

1.2. Pursuant to the Russian Federation effective law as applicable to compliance with the copyright to electronic information resources, no materials from any site, electronic journal or project may be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form, either in a hard or soft copy, without a prior consent from the Journal's authors and editorial staff, which may be expressed by posting a respective consent (open license Creative Commons Attribution International 4.0 CC BY-NC) in the relevant section of the Journal's site on the Internet.
Whenever any published materials are used within the context of other documents, a reference to the original source needs to be specified.

1.3. The Journal is registered by the Federal Oversight Service for Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (RosKomNadzor).

2. Terms Used in This Agreement

The Author is an individual (or individuals) whose creative labor has produced the Article.

The Offer Acceptance means a complete and irrevocable acceptance of the Offer under the terms specified in Clause 3 hereof (the Author accepts the Offer by submitting an application to the Publisher, i.e. by uploading the Article along with support materials onto the network electronic system of the article acquisition for review available at the respective section of the Journal's site at URL: http://journals.rudn.ru/index.php/linguistics/author/submit/1 on the Internet).

The Journal means an academic periodical named 'Russian Journal of Linguistics'.

The Application means an electronic request of the Author addressed to the Publisher for publishing the Article in the Journal by uploading the Article and support materials onto the network electronic system of the article acquisition for review available at the relevant section of the Journal's site at URL: http://journals.rudn.ru/index.php/linguistics/author/submit/1 on the Internet).

The Publisher is the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba” (RUDN), being the Journal's founder and publisher.

The Article's Metadata means any materials in Russian and English intended to be included into the Science Citation database as per the original version of the Article such as the Article title; authors' details (full last name, first name, patronymic, present employer of each author with indication of the postal code, contact details (e-mail) of each author; abstract; keywords; topical classifications: UDC or any other bibliographic and library classification, and subject indices; bibliography (list of references).

The Offer means this document (offer to the Author) to publish an Article by uploading it onto the site at URL: http://journals.rudn.ru/index.php/linguistics/author/submit/1 on the Internet.

The Publication means the act of publishing the Article in the Journal.

The Journal's Editorial Staff means a creative team engaged in preparing the Journal for publication.

The Editorial Board is an advisory body of the Journal's Editorial Office.

The Article means a result of fundamental and applied scholarly efforts in the form of a scholarly material, scientific review material, scientific message, bibliographical review on specific topics of the scholarly study, and background information on Russian and foreign scientists submitted by the Author for publication in the Journal.

The Parties mean the Author and the Publisher.

The Article Requirements mean requirements to the materials published in the Journal's section named "To Authors" of the Journal's site at URL: http://journals.rudn.ru/index.php/linguistics/about/submissions#authorGuidelines on the Internet.

The Service means publication of the Article in the Journal as per the Author's application.

3. Subject Matter of the Agreement (Offer)

3.1. Subject to this Agreement, the Author shall provide the Publisher at no expense for the copyright duration as stated by the Russian Federation legislation with a non-exclusive license for use of the Author-created Article for the purpose of its publication in the Journal.

3.2. The rights to use this Article as assigned hereunder shall include but not limited to:

  • reproduction of the Article or any part thereof, as well as its metadata in Russian and English in any material form whatsoever, including soft and hard copy forms, as an individual work product in periodicals and/or databases (whether local or web-based) owned by the Publisher and/or any other persons at the discretion of the Publisher;
  • dissemination of the Article or any part thereof, as well as its metadata in Russian and English on any media as part of the Journal and/or databases owned by the Publisher or any other persons, at the discretion of the Publisher, or as an individual work product, worldwide via open access or by subscription without payment of any fee to the Author;
  • making public the Article or any part thereof as well as its metadata in Russian and English so that any person could access the Article from any location and at any time of his/her choice (including via the Internet);
  • issuing permissions to use the Article or any part thereof as well as its metadata in Russian and English to any third parties while notifying the Author by publishing the respective information on the Journal's site without payment of any fee to the Author;
  • processing, including translation of the Article (including translation into foreign languages), and use of the processed (translated) Article in any manner specified above;
  • any other rights, not expressly assigned to the Publisher hereunder, including patent rights to any processes, techniques or methods, and other means, described by the Author in the Article, as well as trademark rights, shall be retained by the Author.

3.3. No territorial restrictions will be applied to the use of rights to the Article.

3.4. This Agreement shall become effective from the time the Article is submitted to the Journal, i.e. uploaded along with support materials onto the network electronic system of the article acquisition for review available at the relevant section of the Journal's site at URL: http://journals.rudn.ru/index.php/linguistics/author/submit/1 on the Internet, hereinafter referred to as the Article Upload.

3.5. The rights shall be assigned by the Author to the Publisher at no expense, and the Article publication in the Journal shall not result in any financial contribution to the Author.

3.6. If the Publisher decides to refuse to publish the Article in the Journal, this Agreement shall cease to be in force. A decision to refuse publication shall be sent to the Author via the e-mail address specified in the Application.

3.7. The Publisher undertakes, throughout the currency of this Agreement, to provide to the Author the services associated with publication of the Article on the Journal's site at URL: http://journals.rudn.ru/index.php/linguistics on the Internet.

4. General Terms of the Services Provision

4.1. The Publisher shall provide the services to the Author only if:

  • the Author submits all materials compliant with the Offer requirements by way of the Article Upload;
  • the Author Accepts the Offer.

4.2. The services shall be provided to the Author free of charge.

4.3. If any materials submitted by the Author are found in breach of rules and requirements of this Offer, the Publisher shall have a right to refuse to publish those.

4.4. The Publisher shall not be responsible for any third-party unauthorized use of the data provided by the Author during the currency of this Agreement.

5. Rights and Responsibilities of the Parties

5.1. The Author warrants that:

  • he/she is the valid holder of exclusive rights to the Article; rights granted to the Publisher hereunder were not earlier assigned and will not be assigned to any third parties prior to publication of the Article by the Publisher in the Journal;
  • the Article contains all the references to cited authors and/or sources (materials) that are required by the effective copyright law;
  • the Author has obtained all required licenses to results, facts and other borrowed materials used in the Article where the Author is not a copyright holder;
  • the Article does not contain any materials that may not be published in public sources in accordance with the effective Russian Federation statutory instruments, and the Article publication and dissemination will not involve any disclosure of classified (confidential) information, including state secrets;
  •  the Author has familiarized himself with the editorial policy and ethical principles published on the Journal website ( http://journals.rudn.ru/linguistics/about/editorialPolicies) and the consequences of violating these principles, has advised other Co-authors of the terms of this Agreement and has received consents from all the Co-authors to conclude this Agreement under the terms hereunder.

5.2. The Author undertakes to:

  • submit a manuscript of the Article as per the Requirements to articles;
  • avoid using the soft copy of the Article produced by the Publisher for commercial purposes and in other periodicals;
  • while preparing the Article for publication, the Author undertakes to:
    1. make edits specified by readers and approved by the Journal's Editorial Office in the text of the Article and/or revise the Article following the Publisher's request, where necessary;
    2. proofread the Article within the timeframes specified in the Journal publication schedule;
    3. make only such edits in the proof that are minimally required to correct errors made in the Article original and/or introduce factual and momentary changes.

5.3. The Author is entitled to:

  • pass to any third party a soft copy of the published Article provided by the Publisher pursuant to Clause 5.4 hereof for the Article to be incorporated, in whole or in part, into a scientific information database or repository in order to promote academic or scholarly investigations or for informational and educational purposes subject to the Author, Journal and Publisher being properly referenced.

5.4. The Publisher undertakes to:

  • publish the Author's Article, in soft or hard copy form, in the Journal in accordance with the terms hereof;
  • provide the Author with the proof of the Article and make reasonable edits as requested by the Author, where required, following the Journal's Editorial resolution;
  • provide the Author with the soft copy of the published Article by sending it to the Author's e-mail address within 15 business days of the Journal issue's publication;
  • respect the Author's rights established by the effective law, protect those and use best endeavors to prevent any copyright infringements by third parties.

5.5. The Publisher is entitled to:

  • carry out technical and literary editing of the Article such that its basic content would remain unchanged;
  • review the Article and suggest appropriate changes to the Author, and elect not to publish the Article if the Author fails to introduce such changes;
  • require from the Author and/or other persons that the Journal, Publisher, Author and any other copyright holder, as well as the title of the Article, Journal issue identification and a year of publication as specified in the Journal be properly referenced whenever the Journal and/or the Article, including any individual part or fragment thereof, are used by any of the above-mentioned individuals thereafter;
  • publish preliminary and/or advertising information on the forthcoming publication of the Article in mass media and any other information sources;
  • establish rules (conditions) for acceptance and publication of materials in the Journal. The Journal's Editorial Board, headed by the Editor-in-Chief, shall enjoy an exclusive right to accept and/or reject any materials submitted to the Journal's Editorial Office for publication purposes. No manuscript (tangible medium) submitted by the Author to the Journal's Editorial Office will be subject to return. The Journal's Editorial Staff will not enter into any correspondence regarding the rejection of the Article by the Journal's Editorial Board;
  • suspend provision of services to the Author hereunder temporarily for technical, technological and other reasons preventing the services from being provided for the duration of remedial activities;
  • suspend services hereunder in accordance with civil procedures if:
    1. the Article does not correspond to the topics covered by the Journal or by any part thereof, or the submitted material is found insufficient for the individual publication, or the Article design is found at variance with the requirements imposed;
    2. the Author is in breach of any other obligations assumed under the Offer arrangement;
  • introduce changes to the Offer as per the procedure established by the Offer.

5.6. Unless otherwise provided or stated herein, the Parties shall refer to the effective legislation of the Russian Federation.

6. Offer Acceptance and Conclusion of the Agreement. The Term of the Agreement

6.1. This Agreement shall become effective when concluded, i.e. when the Author Accepts the Offer by sending an application to the Publisher, that is, by uploading the Article (Article Upload), and remain in effect for five years.

6.2. The Offer Acceptance constitutes an Agreement made in writing (Articles 438 and 1286.1 of the Russian Federation Civil Code) under the Offer terms.

6.3. Unless any of the Parties sends to the other Party a written notification of the Agreement termination no later than two months prior to the end of the specified five-year period, the duration of the Publisher's copyright to the Work shall be automatically extended by the similar period. The number of extensions is not limited.

6.4. The term of the Agreement may not exceed the duration of exclusive rights to the Article pursuant to the Russian Federation legislation.

6.5. Whenever the Author assigns (disposes of) its exclusive rights to the Work to any third party, this Agreement shall remain in effect.

7. Agreement Modification and Termination Procedure

7.1. The Publisher shall have a right to unilaterally modify the terms of this Agreement by giving a prior notice to the Author, at least ten (10) calendar days before such modifications become effective, to the Author's e-mail address specified in the Author's application or via the Journal's site. These modifications shall become effective from the date specified in the respective notice.

7.2. If the Author disagrees with any modification in the terms of this Agreement, the Author shall have a right to submit a written notice of his/her withdrawal from this Agreement by uploading it onto the network electronic system of the article acquisition for review, available at the relevant section of the Journal's site at URL: http://journals.rudn.ru/index.php/linguistics/author/submit/1 on the Internet.

7.3. This Agreement may be terminated early:

  • at any time by mutual agreement of the Parties; or
  • otherwise as stipulated herein.

7.4. The Author shall have a right to cancel this Agreement unilaterally by sending the Publisher a respective notice in writing at least sixty (60) calendar days prior to the intended date of the Author's Article publication in the Journal.

7.5. The termination of this Agreement for any reasons shall not release the Parties from responsibility for breach of any Agreement terms during the currency hereof.

8. Liability

8.1. A Party which has failed to perform its obligations under this Agreement, either in full or in part, shall be held liable pursuant to the Russian Federation legislation in force.

8.2. All the data provided by the Author shall be trustworthy. The Author shall be responsible for completeness and reliability of the data provided to the Publisher. The use of untrustworthy information obtained from the Author shall not entail any responsibility upon the Publisher for any adverse effects resulting from its actions based on such untrustworthy information.

8.3. The Author shall take full personal responsibility for compliance with the requirements of the Russian Federation law on advertising, protection of copyright and related rights, protection of trademarks and service marks, and protection of consumer rights.
8.4. The Publisher shall not be held responsible hereunder for:

  1. any actions resulting directly or indirectly from the actions of the Author;
  2. any loss incurred by the Author whether or not the Publisher was in a position to predict such loss.

8.5. The Publisher shall be relieved from any responsibility for non-compliance with the terms of this Agreement if such non-compliance is a result of a force-majeure event such as an act of state authorities, including adoption of legal instruments, fire, flood, earthquake, other natural calamities, loss of power and/or computer network failure, strikes, civil commotions, riots, and any other similar events.

9. Dispute Resolution Procedure

9.1. Any disputes and disagreements shall be resolved by the Parties by negotiations, and if the Parties fail to reach an agreement, these shall be resolved in accordance with the effective law of the Russian Federation.

9.2. If any disagreements remain unresolved, the Parties shall settle those at the location of the Publisher in accordance with the effective law of the Russian Federation.

10. Miscellaneous

10.1. Any notifications, messages, requests etc., excluding documents which need to be forwarded in original form pursuant to the Russian Federation legislation, shall be deemed to have been received by the Author, if delivered (sent) by the Publisher via the Journal's site, including by publishing those, by fax or e-mail specified in the Application, or using other communication facilities. The Parties acknowledge validity of notifications, messages, requests etc. delivered (sent) using the above-listed methods.

10.2. Where the Publisher becomes subject to any claims related to non-compliance with an exclusive copyright or other intellectual property right of any third party during the writing of the Article or in connection with conclusion of this Agreement by the Author, the Author undertakes to:

  • immediately upon receipt of a Publisher's notification, take measures to settle disputes with such third party, and, where necessary, join the litigation in favor of the Publisher and use its best endeavors to exclude the Publisher from the defendants;
  • reimburse the legal cost, expenses and loss incurred by the Publisher as a result of application of a pre-award relief and measures for execution of a judgment, and damages paid by the Publisher to any third party for the infringement of exclusive copyright and/or other intellectual property rights, as well as other expenditures incurred by the Publisher as a result of infringement by the Author of any warranties provided hereunder.

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Vice Rector for Scientific Work                                                                       A.A. Kostin




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