Review of Mel’čuk, Igor. 2023. General Phraseology Theory and Practice. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins




Marina Novikova

RUDN University

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4673-067X

Doctor Habil. in Philology, Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Cultural Studies at the Russian Language Institute, RUDN University, and a member of the Editorial Board of RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. Her research interests include linguistic poetics, fictional text studies, semiotic and semantic modeling, language as a semiosphere and cognitive studies.

Moscow, Russia


  1. Ivanova, Svetlana & Tatiana Larina. 2022. “Meaning ⇔ Text” Theory and the linguistic universe of Igor Mel’čuk. Russian Journal of Linguistics 26 (4). 857-880.
  2. Mel’chuk, Igor. 1974. Opyt teorii lingvisticheskikh modeley “SMYSL ⇔ TEKST” [Outline of a “Meaning ⇔ Text” Linguistic Model Theory]. Moskva: Shkola “Yazyki russkoykul’tury”. (In Russ).
  3. Mel’čuk, Igor. 1995. Phrasemes in language and phraseology in linguistics. In Martin Everaert, Erik-Jan van der Linden, André Schenk & Rob Schreuder (eds.), Idioms. Structural and psychological perspectives, 167-232. Hillsdale, N.J. - Hove: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  4. Mel’chuk, Igor. 2016. Language: From Meaning to Text. Moscow / Boston: Academic Studies Press.
  5. Mel’čuk, Igor. 2012. Phraseology in the language, in the dictionary, and in the computer. Yearbook of Phraseology 3. 31-56.
  6. Mel’čuk, Igor. 2015. Clichés, an understudied subclass of phrasemes. Yearbook of Phraseology 6. 55-86.
  7. Mel’chuk, Igor. 2016. Language: From Meaning to Text. Moscow / Boston: Academic Studies Press.
  8. Mel’čuk, Igor. 2020. Clichés and pragmatemes. Neophilologica 32. 9-20.
  9. Mel’čuk, Igor & Jasmina Milicevic. 2020. An Advanced Introduction to Semantics: A Meaning-Text Approach. Cambridge: Cambridge university Press.

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