Judicial interpreting institutionalization in criminal proceedings: European practices and Russian perspectives

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The research studies the institute of court interpreting in several European countries and the prospects of forming the institute of court interpreting in Russia. It bridges the previous studies concerning professionalization of this activity into the new realia and extends into legal regulation, market, and administration. The research raises awareness of the multifaceted process of forming the institute of judicial interpreting to the benefit of civil society. The issues concerning education of interpreters participating in judicial setting, level of language proficiency, qualification, authorization of legal interpreters and translators, their status, rights and obligations, code of ethics and some others inherent to the process of institutionalization are in the focus. It also highlights the grounds and voices prospects for the development of the institute of legal interpreters in Russia. The research methods are divided into theoretical and analytical, comparative, and contrastive and methods of reasoning, evaluation and summarising allowing to balance the material according to the academic aims. The practical relevance of the work rests in unifying and harmonising legal, administrative, and professional aspects of court interpreting institutionalisation within European space.

About the authors

Valentina V. Stepanova

RUDN University

Author for correspondence.
Email: stepanova_vv@pfur.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0495-0962
ResearcherId: H-9968-2016

PhD in Linguistics, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages

6 Miklukho-Maklaya str., Moscow, 117198, Russia Federation


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