Problems of Improving of State Policy in the Local Self-Government Area in the Process of Transformation Political System of Russia
- Authors: Balykhin A.G1
- RUDN University
- Issue: Vol 21, No 1 (2017)
- Pages: 153-163
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- DOI:
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After many years of deadlock, the local government is looking for further development in the Russian Federation. Some results have been achieved on the development of local government in more than twenties years under Russian conditions. However, there is some controversy of public policy for local government and also there is the mixed approach of realization of public policy at all levels of public authority. In this case the State policy must be built on the understanding that the local government is the basis for creation of civil society in Russia and it is a “locomotive” of the democratic and legal development. The article analyses the issue of improvement of the local government and proposes systematic tools of its development through the policies of the government. Improving the legal framework for local government in the 2014-2016. It has made certain adjustments to the solution of practical problems of municipal practices. The legal basis of local self-government at both the federal and regional levels are characterized by sufficiently developed and in general allow us to solve the challenges facing local government. In order to ensure stability of legislation, further changes should be primarily competence in nature. Particular attention should be given to further clarify the powers of local authorities in sectoral legislation, such as the exclusion of functions unusual for local authorities, the coordination of local government powers to local issues, the list of issues of local importance of rural settlements, taking into account emerging in the regions of the Russian Federation, sustainable approaches to their complement ), as well as the operating time of the positive powers of redistribution practices. Of particular note is the problem of citizen participation in local government, where the key potential has territorial self-government. Despite the unevenness of development in different regions, TOS is an effective tool for engaging citizens in local self-government, improve the activity of the inhabitants. However, in the long term in the legislative resolution of other issues need arising at a local level and are part of the state policy in the sphere of local self-government in terms of further transformation of Russia's political system.
About the authors
Artem G Balykhin
RUDN University
Author for correspondence.
Law Institute
6, Miklukho-Maklaya st., Moscow, Russia, 117198References
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